Watch Elmo's World Balls

Sesame Street Elmo's World Balls

Elmo opens the door a cascade of balls topples over Elmo. Guess what Elmo's thinking about today. Sesame Street Elmo's World Balls

Dorothy has a colorful sea ball in her bowl. Dorothy asks, how do you catch a ball. Elmo's World Balls Dorothy's Question

Mr. Noodle wears a giant baseball glove for catch a ball. Elmo's World Balls The Noodle Family

Elmo goes to a baby and puts the ball in the baby's lap. The ball drops to the ground and they watch it bounce. Elmo's World Balls Kids and Baby

Elmo and the kids count the bounces as the CGI ball bounces around the corners of the screen. The ball bounces 28 times. Elmo's World Balls Elmo's Question

Birthday cakes don't bounce. Elmo's World Balls Quiz

If balls didn't bounce basketball would be boring and impossible. Elmo's World Balls TV Cartoon The Ball Channel

Elmo and the beachball start bouncing together. Elmo's World Balls Interview

Dorothy imagines Elmo is a golfer. He makes a good shot and the ball comes pretty close to the hole. Elmo's World Balls Tickle Me Land

Elmo has a home video. Elmo makes a video with his camera. Elmo's World Balls Home Video

Elmo's friend Michelle played catch with her daddy the other day. Elmo's World Balls Film

Elmo and Dorothy sing the Ball Song. A computer generated ball (CGI) bounces throughout the song. Elmo's World Balls The Ball Song

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