Watch Elmo's World Bath Time

Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time

Guess what Elmo's thinking about today? - Taking a bath

Elmo greets the audience and hears a sound that looks like a splash of water. Elmo opens the door and encounters Ernie taking a bath in a tub. Ernie is singing Rubber Duckie. So Elmo is thinking about taking a bath today.

Elmo opens the door and encounters Ernie taking a bath in a tub. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time

A video clip then shows children, babies, elephants and dogs taking a bath.

A video clip then shows children and babies taking a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time

Elmo's World Bath Time Dorothy's Question

Dorothy has been thinking about bath time too. And Dorothy has a question: what do you need to take a bath?

Dorothy has been thinking about bath time too. And Dorothy has a question what do you need to take a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Dorothy's Question

Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

Elmo tries to ask Dorothy's question to Mr. Noodle, but he slips and falls to the ground. His hand is hurt. Mr. Noodle kisses Elmo's hand and he is feeling better now. What does Mr. Noodle need to take a bath? He sees a bathtub full of water.

What does Mr. Noodle need to take a bath. He sees a bathtub full of water. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

The kids and Elmo say that he can take a bath in the bathtub but he has to make sure it's not too hot. The bathtub is all ready for bath. Mr. Noodle still need to go get a washcloth. But he comes with a ski attire. He can't take a bath like that because they do not gonna fit. Those are for skiing. Skis are for the snow. You don't use them in the bath. You need skis to ski.

Mr Noodle comes with a ski attire. He can't take a bath like that. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

Then he dresses in scuba gear. They're for swimming, like in the ocean or a pool. You don't use them when you take a bath. You take a bath to get washed and cleaned.

Mr Noodle dresses in scuba gear. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

Mr. Noodle gets soap, a towel and a bath brush this time. He need soap to get nice and clean. He has a towel for dry himself off. He can scrub his back with a bath brush.

Mr Noodle gets soap, a towel and a bath brush this time. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

Mr. Noodle puts a bonnet on his head and gets into the bathtub without taking off his clothes. He has to take his clothes off to take a bath. Mr. Noodle gave his clothes a bath.

Mr Noodle puts a bonnet on his head and gets into the bathtub without taking off his clothes. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time The Noodle Family

Elmo's World Bath Time Kids and Baby

Dorothy wants to ask someone else what do you need to take a bath. A child takes a bath in a bathtub. He says that soap, washcloth and water are needed to take a bath.

A child takes a bath in a bathtub. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Kids and Baby

Later, a little girl appears in the shower. She likes to take a shower to get clean and uses a nice dry towel to dry herself when she is finished.

a girl likes to take a shower to get clean and uses a nice dry towel to dry herself when she is finished. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Kids and Baby

Finally, there is a baby being bathed by his mother in a small tub. Elmo explains that a baby needs water, soap, towels and mommy to take a bath.

there is a baby being bathed by his mother in a small tub. Elmo explains that a baby needs water and mommy to take a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Kids and Baby

Elmo's World Bath Time Elmo's Question

Elmo has a question: How many bubbles does a whale make while taking a bath? A whale makes 19 bubbles while bathing.

Elmo has a question How many bubbles does a whale make while taking a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Elmo's Question

The last one is a really big bubble and carries the whale through the air. When the bubble bursts, the whale falls into the tub.

The last one is a really big bubble and carries the whale through the air. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Elmo's Question

Elmo's World Bath Time Video E-mail 

Elmo has got email from his friends Telly monster and Little Murray Sparkles. Telly says it's bath time for Little Murray Sparkles. He's giving himself a bath. Because that's the way cats get clean they lick themselves all over. Then, he washes his face.

Elmo has got email from his friends Telly monster and Little Murray Sparkles. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Video E-mail

Telly thinks Little Murray Sparkles must have the cleanest and the cutest face in the whole world. Little Murray Sparkles then starts licking Telly. Telly says he already took a bath today. He continues to lick and Telly is tickled.

Little Murray Sparkles then starts licking Telly. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Video E-mail

Elmo's World Bath Time Quiz

Even kitties take baths. That makes Elmo wonder what else takes a bath. Elmo hears splashing coming from the drawer and then the quiz starts.

Elmo hears splashing coming from the drawer and then the quiz starts. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Quiz

Do birds take a bath? Yes, birds take a bath, but not in the tub. Do doggies take a bath? Yes, dogs take bath, but they need help. Do cars take bath? Yes, but not in a bathtub, in a car wash.

Do doggies take a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Quiz

Do worms take a bath? No, unless it's Slimey. Slimy takes a bath in a mud tub. Oscar the Grouch states that Slimey took a mud bath.

Oscar the Grouch states that Slimey took a mud bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Quiz

Elmo's World Bath Time Film

Elmo's friend Julianna loves giving her horse Sara bath. Julianna explains about this: "my horse Sara gets dirty and needs to be washed. So my mom taught me how to give her a bath. First we rinsed her legs with warm water so she could get used to it. We slowly moved the hose up to her neck and got her whole body wet but not the face. Then my mom showed me how to wash her with shampoo and a sponge. We washed her neck, her back, underneath her. It's kind of like washing your hair and then it came the towel after that we rinsed her all over with some more warm water. We washed the face last. We have to be very gentle. We use warm water and a special face sponge but no shampoo. It was time to dry her. So we scraped the water off with a scraper then we used a towel to dry her off some more. But she was still a little wet so we walked around for a while and let the sun dry her the rest of the way. Sara was very shiny. I love my horse but sometimes she rolls in the dirt. Oh no we'll have to start all over again."

Julianna loves giving her horse Sara bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Film

Elmo's World Bath Time TV Cartoon the Bathtime Channel

Elmo wants to learn even more about bath time. So we can watch the Bath Time Channel. The Bath Time Channel announcer greets the audience. And now it's time for a bath with the bath lady Bubbles Martin.

And now it's time for a bath with the bath lady Bubbles Martin. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time TV Cartoon the Bathtime Channel

"Hi there. Bubbles Martin here and as you can see i'm taking a bath. Bath time is my favorite time of day, i love washing. Hey you want a wash too you don't have to be taking a bath you can pretend it's the next best thing." Then, Bubbles Martin sings Everybody Wash, about taking a bath.

the bath lady Bubbles Martin sings Everybody Wash, about taking a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time TV Cartoon the Bathtime Channel

"okay everybody wash
everybody wash your hands
everybody wash your face
everybody wash your ears
everybody wash your hair
everybody wash your heels
you know the back part of your foot
everybody wash your kneecaps
i know they're here somewhere, found them
everybody wash your thumb, both of them
everybody wash your big toe, that's easy to find
everybody wash everything"

the bath lady Bubbles Martin taking a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time TV Cartoon the Bathtime Channel

Coming up next on the bathtime channel Bath Masterson starring Soapy Sales.

Elmo's World Bath Time Interview

The doorbell rings, Elmo opens the door and a talking bathtub walks in. So, Elmo begins the interview with the bathtub. Elmo asks so what is it like being a bathtub. Bathtub tells it's kind of draining.

Elmo begins the interview with the bathtub. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Interview

So how does bathtub work? Bathtub explains: "Well you turn on the water with my faucets here see. And you turn the faucets to make sure nice warm water comes out of my spout up there. Make sure it's not too hot. Of course some folks prefer showers so the water could also flow from my shower head up there. But you know, you don't need a bathtub to get clean. There are no bathtubs out in nature but animals can still get clean even a little mouse."

Elmo and the bathtub talk about taking a bath. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Interview

Elmo's World Bath Time Tickle Me Land

This time, Dorothy imagines Elmo as a little mouse in nature getting clean and a big elephant. A great rain cloud pours rain on them. This is a great shower time chance for Elmo the Mouse and Elmo the Elephant.

Dorothy imagines Elmo as a little mouse in nature getting clean and a big elephant. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Tickle Me Land

Elmo the Mouse and Elmo the Elephant sing "Singing in the Shower." They love to sing in the shower.

Elmo the Mouse and Elmo the Elephant sing Singing in the Shower. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time Tickle Me Land

Elmo's World Bath Time the bath time song

Bathtub tells there's nothing like singing to keep the pipes from rusting. This is good because Dorothy wants to sing the bathtime song. The bathtime song that makes the Bathtub feel all warm and bubbly. Finally Elmo, Dorothy and the Bathtub sing the bath time song together. Elmo's World Bath Time ends.

Elmo, Dorothy and the Bathtub sing the bath time song together. Sesame Street Elmo's World Bath Time the bath time song


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