Watch Elmo's World Cameras

Elmo's World Cameras


Guess what Elmo's thinking about today? Elmo opens his door and he finds a lot of paparazzi-like cameras. They are flashing at him and that makes his pupils shrink down to the size of a pencil dot. The next appearances are a Cheese following from a film that Frank Biondo is on the set of Sesame Street. 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Cameras

Dorothy's Question

Dorothy has a question. She wants to know how you take a picture with a camera.

The Noodle Family

Mr. Noodle wants to take Elmo’s picture. He tries it with a banana but it doesn’t work. Finally, Kids bring him an old-time camera. He can now take Elmo’s picture. He wants to take a picture of Cheese too but Cheese is camera shy and the picture was not successful. 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Cameras

Kids and Baby

Kids can take pictures. Some of them are showing Dorothy how they take pictures in a playground. They are using still cameras and video cameras. Finally, Elmo takes a picture of a baby. 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Cameras

Elmo's Question

Dorothy is ready for her closeup and Elmo took a picture of her. He wants to take a picture of Cheese too but it doesn’t work. Elmo has a photo album and he wonders how many pictures are in. They are photos from previous Elmo’s World episodes. 

Elmo Camera


Before the beginning of the quiz, Elmo takes a picture of Drawer. Drawer is smiling at this picture. Big Bird wants to take a picture of Cheese and he wants him to say ‚‘‘cheese‘‘ but the Cheese runs away. 

Elmo Camera


Alyssa has a film about how she takes pictures. She brings this film to the store to have them developed. She also takes a selfie. 

Elmo Cameras

TV Cartoon

Before The Camera Channel show on TV Elmo takes a picture of the TV. He thinks that a picture is worth a thousand words. On-Camera Channel today: The History of the Camera: Lights, Camera, Camera! The next shows are Candid Camera and Decent Exposures. 

Elmos World Cameras


Elmo’s guest is a camera. He interviews the camera who tells him he oughtta be in pictures. 

Elmo's World Cameras

Tickle Me Land

Dorothy has an imagination. She imagines Elmo as sports and nature photographers. Cheese tries to stop Elmo from saying "cheese". Talk about action photography! Sesame Street Elmo's World Cameras ends after the cameras song. 

Elmo's World Cameras


  1. Replies
    1. Elmo's World Friends Coming Next.

  2. Why was there no email on the episode?
