Watch Elmo's World Dogs

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Guess what Elmo is thinking about today?

Elmo is asking what we think he is thinking about today. Then he hears barking from the drawer, from the window and from the door. Then, he gets run over by a lot of dogs.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Dorothy’s Question

Then, Elmo goes to Dorothy, that’s his fish, and Dorothy asks, how you walk a dog.

The Noodle Family

Then, we see Mr. Noodle’s brother Mr. Noodle, who shows us how you walk a dog…an invisible dog!

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Kids and Baby

We now see some kids who show us how they walk their dogs and then, we see Elmo asking a baby how it walks it’s a dog, of course, the baby doesn’t respond with words, it just makes sounds.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Elmo’s Question

Elmo counts seven ice skating dogs and a seal, too. And he also says, that seals bark, too.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs


Now, a dog appears next to Elmo, asking him who can have a pet dog and who can’t. He also tells us things like: Birthday cakes can’t have a pet dog, but dogs can have a birthday party. Then he shows us Barkley, who also can’t have a pet dog because he is one himself. He is Linda’s pet dog. Then we see Mr. Noodle’s brother still (trying) to walk his invisible pet dog.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs


We see a film about Casey, who has just got a new dog, and how she takes care of him.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

TV Cartoon

Then, Elmo calls his TV to come to him and the TV acts as a pet dog. Elmo even scratches the TV’s belly! Elmo wants the TV to tune into The Dog Channel and the dog next to Elmo, too. So the TV tunes into The Dog Channel and a Lecture Lady talks about her “emotional dog” and his emotions. But whenever she asks him about his emotions, she ends up showing them by herself. But then, the dog shows how he looks like when he wants to play basketball and Elmo tells the TV to go again.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs


So Mr. Noodle’s brother is still walking his imaginary dog and he is loving it. Elmo interviews some dogs and asks them about what dogs do all the time. Then they hear a whistle and leave. Next, William Wegman’s dogs show Elmo what jobs dogs have like a police dog or a circus dog.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Tickle Me Land

William Wegman then narrates Dorothy’s thoughts of Elmo being a circus dog or a shepherd dog or even a sled dog.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

Home Video

Then, Elmo calls his TV to come over, just like you would call a dog, and shows a video of Telly pretending to be a dog, which is recorded by Elmo with a camera. After that, Elmo ends the episode by throwing a dog plushy and tells the TV to fetch. Sesame Street Elmo’s World Dogs ends.

Sesame Street Elmo's World Dogs

1 comment:

  1. Elmo's World Exercise Coming Soon.
