
Watch Elmo's World Singing

Sesame Street Elmo's World Singing

Written by: Molly Boylan  Directed by: Ted May First Appearance: Episode 3851


Guess what Elmo's thinking about today? Elmo opens his door and he finds a chorus of kids. They are singing "the Elmo’s World Theme". Then starts the film. Some children are singing "Sing" , "The Alphabet Song" and ‚ "Happy Birthday To You" . Later, a mother singing to her baby ‚ "Brahm's Lullaby" and a boy singing again "Elmo’s World Theme" . 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Singing

Dorothy's Question

Dorothy has a question. She wants to know how someone can sing.

The Noodle Family

Mr. Noodle’s brother Mr. Noodle tries to sing. He cackles first like a rooster, moos like a cow, gargles, and quacks like a duck. Finally, he lip-syncs "La donna è mobile" of Giuseppi Verdi's Rigoletto from a radio player. 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Singing

Kids and Baby

Some kids are singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" .

Elmo's Question

Elmo wants to count some pigs. They are in a barbershop quartet, who sing ‚ "Sweet Adeline" 

Sesame Street Elmo's World Singing


Who can sing, who not? Dogs and Ernie can sing. Clocks, pineapples, and bathtubs can’t. As Ernie sings ‚‘‘Rubber Duckie‘‘ in a bathtub Jim Henson’s is vocalizing.

Finally, the pig barbershop quartet sings one more time. 

Elmo's World Singing


Samantha learns how to participate in a playground-style hand-clapping/singing game. 

Elmos World Singing

TV Cartoon

The LEcture Lady sings ‚ "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" on The Singing Channel. And then the spider sings ‚ "I’m a Little Teapot" with Lecture Lady. Coming next, Singing in the Rain. 

Elmo's World Singing


Elmo’s special guest is opera singer Diva D’Abruzzo. She illustrates that she can sing high, low, fast, and slow. Then they sing together in an opera style. 

Elmo World Singing

Tickle Me Land

Dorothy has an imagination. Dorothy imagines Elmo as The Three Elmos, Elvis Presley, and a rapper. 

Elmo Singing

Home video

Big Bird sings a lullaby for his teddy bear Radar. Elmo is fast asleep but TV nudges awake him. Sesame Street Elmo's World Singing ends after the singing song.

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