Sesame Street Episode 4190

Sesame Street Episode 4190
Wild Nature Survivor Guy
Season 40 (2009-2010)

COLD OPEN: What’s the word on the Street? : Nature

SCENES: Alan, Leela, Elmo, and Rosita are having a picnic outside when suddenly, there is a sound of a Helicopter and a rope comes dangling down. Down the rope comes Survival Guy. He wants to survive in Sesame Street, but that is not really a challenge since it’s in a city. So he heads to his shelter to find things that you need to survive.

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WSNG pounces on a nearby tomato plant to get some. But since it’s Leela’s plants, she gets angry and yells at him. Again Chris reminds him that he’s also got fruit in Hooper’s but WSNG doesn’t want to listen.

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Now WSNG needs water and he tries to catch raindrops by sticking out his tongue, although it’s not even raining. Alan tries to remind him again, that he has also got some water which also comes from nature.

WSNG-again-tries to find warmth because the night is seeking. He wants to get some feathers to keep him warm. Then he searches branches, which could be helpful for a shelter.

Sesame Street Episode 4190

He then finds Big Bird’s nest and wants to use it as a shelter for himself, but then Big Bird comes by and is surprised to find WSNG in his nest. WSNG is shocked by how large Big Bird is and the others tell him, that everyone and everything is part of nature. The gang then proceeds to sing about the importance of nature.

Celebrities: Debra Messing tells us about various parts of nature.

Sesame Street Episode 4190

Muppets: Murray announces that Abby’s Flying Fairy School is coming up, but first, he plays “What’s on Me that Starts with the Letter C?”.

In a parody of iPod Commercials, Elmo, Big Bird, and Snuffy dance to the sound of the letter D.

Muppets: Murray and Jake introduce Abby’s Flying Fairy School.

Animation: Today, Gonnigal has to dance for his dance recital but he can’t do it in front of a crowd. So he gets magic shoes which should help him with his problem. But the shoes run around the class and the students can’t get them. They try everything to chase them but in the End, Gonnigal notices that everything he has done today, wiggling, sliding, and shaking, can also be a dance.

Sesame Street 4190

Cast: Miles shows the kids the “Backward Forward” Dance”.

Muppets: Murray announces, it’s time to go to school with him and Ovejita, but first, he counts 5 of things.

Cartoon: 5 of the various things that you can find in space get shown.

Muppets: Navin and Averin introduce “Murry has a little Lamb”

Muppets: Murray and Overjita visit a Karate School and Murray anticipates breaking a board”

Sesame Street 4190

Murray announces that “Elmo’s World” is coming up but first, he gives a demonstration of outside and inside.

Song: Ziggy Marley sings “Set your Piggies Free”.

Muppets: Murray and Navin introduce “Elmo’s World”

Muppets: Elmo’s World: Helping

Sesame Street 4190

Muppets: Murray announces the Sponsors. Sesame Street Episode 4190 ends.

1 comment:

  1. I would put the original mad men and elmos world the beach
