Sesame Street The Cookie Thief

The Cookie Thief

        This special episode was released in March 2016. The season is finished with the episode 4551 and then comes this episode too.

Episode Description

        The Museum of Modern Cookie is a new Museum at Sesame Street. Cookie Monster, Elmo and Chris, are visited the Museum.  

        They are very excited but there is a big big problem. As Cookie Monster look all the cookie art around him, is very hungry for cookies. Chris told him he must control himself and look at the beautiful paintings. This is just art and not real cookies. It is not ok to eat cookie paintings and sculptures. 

The Cookie Thief

        Prairie Dawn welcomes them and she makes with them a tour named ‘Me Love Cookie Art’. She says she loves cookie art too. Cookie Monster is stunning about Muncha Lisa by Leonardo da Crunchy, Cookie Eaters by Vincent Van Dough and The Cream by Edvard Munch. 

The Cookie Thief

        They also learn a lot of things about paintings. Cookie Monster wants to kiss Muncha Lisa paintings but it is not allowed. They decided to go to the cookie museum cafeteria.

Sesame Street The Cookie Thief

        But suddenly, all the paintings begin to disappear. Museum guards believe that Cookie Monster is the thief but Elmo says that Cookie Monster doesn’t steal anything. He finds some crumbs, butter and chocolate chips on the ground and he thinks the thief is a cookie.  But they didn’t believe them and they throw them out of the museum.

Sesame Street The Cookie Thief

        Cookie Monster is very sad. He wants to see more cookie art. Chris says maybe in future the museum has new patrols and they can come again. 

        As they are walking home they meet Abby. She loves also cookie art. The friends told her what happened at the museum. They are thinking about a solution.  Abby Cadabby has a plan. She wants to use her magic to turn them into a painting to deliver them to the museum. But first, she turned them to coconuts.

The Cookie Thief

        She did her magic and she hangs them on a wall. The cookie thief steals this painting too. Abby Cadabby comes to help them. Cookie thief has delivered all paintings to a secret room behind the museum walls. Friends worked together with the guards and they chase the thief. 

The Cookie Thief

      Cookie Monster says he understands that the cookie thief loves cookie art but it is not ok to steal it because other people have to enjoy it too. But cookie thief can make his own art ‘Make Your Own Art’. Friends helped him too to make this painting. It looks just like the cookie. So the cookie makes a self-portrait and the guards hang this portrait up on the museum wall.

Sesame Street The Cookie Thief

Muppets / Celebrity

        Abby Cadabby turns in this segment Terry Crews in different kinds of artist. Abby Cadabby turned Terry to a painter, a sculpture, a violinist, a dancer, a mime man. The Count counts them all.

Sesame Street The Cookie Thief


        Anyone can be an artist. All you need is a brush, some paint and imagination. You can paint everything. The most important part is to have fun because creating art makes happy.

The Cookie Thief


        The song of today is The Three Primary Colors. OK Go sings it. Red, yellow and blue are primary colours.

Sesame Street The Cookie Thief

Letter Museum

Letter N is today in Letter Museum.

The Cookie Thief

Muppets Animation

Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures: Museum Guards

Bert and Ernie are night guards at the museum. Ernie thinks that paintings talking to him. Spaghetti Lady tells Angelo and then help me! Ernie and Bert climbed in painting and they meet Angelo. They bring him his spaghetti. But they knock down the construction ladder and they have to save Angelo.

the cookie thief


          Cookie Monster, Rosita and a girl are dancing. This segment was added later (May 2017) at the repeating of this Sesame Street special episode.

The Cookie Thief Cast

Chris Knowings as Chris
Rachel Dratch as Museum Guard
Ryan Dillon as Elmo
David Rudman as Cookie Monster
Leslie Carrara-Rudolph as Abby Cadabby
Fran Brill as Prairie Dawn
Eric Jacobson as Grover and Penguin Guard
Joey Mazzarino as Leonardo da Crunchy and The Cream
Stephanie D'Abruzzo as Muncha Lisa and Penguin Guard
Matt Vogel as Little Cookie and Penguin Guard
Martin P. Robinson as Edvard Munch
Tyler Bunch as Vincent van Dough
Peter Linz

On this page, we tried to give you detailed information about Sesame Street The Cookie Thief.

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