
Sesame Street Episode 3136 - Around the Corner

Sesame Street Episode 3136
Around the Corner
Season 25

Sesame Street Episode 3136

Sesame Street Episode 3136

Sesame Street Episode 3136

Sesame Street Episode 3136 appears in the 25th season. The name of the Episode is Around the Corner. The air date of the episode is November 22, 1993. The number of the Episode is 3 and the letters are C, O.


  1. This part of the street is amazing

  2. This new set is god damn amazing!

  3. First episode to be taped at Kaufman Astoria Studios in Queens

  4. Where can I find blue shorts with yellow stripes like the ones worn by the boy in the Elbows and Knees music video?

  5. In the Elbows and Knees music video, what was the name of the dance where the boy taps one knee to the other?

  6. At around the 9:02 point, what was the name of the dance with the boy wobbling his knees?

  7. Around the 9:13 point in the Elbows and Knees music video, what was the named of the dance with the boy flapping his elbows and knocking his knees together.

  8. Around the 9:45 point in the Elbows and Knees music video what was the name of the dance with the girl with her hand on her knees?
