Sesame Street Episode 3778 - Telly and Baby Bear go Camping

Sesame Street Episode 3778
Telly and Baby Bear go camping
Season 29

Sesame Street Episode 3778

Sesame Street Episode 3778

Sesame Street Episode 3778

Sesame Street Episode 3778 appears in the 29th season. The name of the Episode is Telly and Baby Bear go camping. The air date of the episode is May 6, 1998. The number of the Episode is 18 and the letter is Y. The celebrity guests of Episode 3778 are Tony Bennett, The Simpsons, Whoopi Goldberg, and Ray Charles.


  1. Can you also upload episode 3786 from season 38 when Alan made it's Debut to Sesame Street?

  2. The Last Time of Alan and Christ to Sesame Street and the Final Word of Hooper's Stores Hoopers Replace into the "Telly's Stores".
