Sesame Street Episode 4063 - Elmo's Chicken Dream

Elmo's chicken dream
Season 35
Whoopi Goldberg and Harvey Fierstein visit Sesame Street.

Air date: April 13, 2004     Written by: Luis Santeiro

COLD OPEN: My Favorite Sesame Street Moments: Whoopi Goldberg shares her favorite memory - the theme song, accompanied by footage from the Season 30 theme. (cut from the HBO version, cut from the YouTube version)

SCENES: Maria tells the viewer about the dream Elmo is telling her about. This is Elmo’s story. As he sleeps he dreams about some chickens. The chickens taught him the ‚ "Clucky Clucky Chicken" dance. A Lizard, a tomato, and a woman named Gladys joined them. Elmo wants to have the same dream again and he wants to fall asleep. But Maria tolds him don’t re-appear. Maria sings a lullaby for Elmo but Elmo can not sleep. Maria’s farm-animal customers falling asleep. 

Sesame Street 4063

Elmo wants to feel tired and so he decides to situate himself onto a crate with his blanket and Baby David. Rosita plays for him a lullaby with her guitar and that puts him to sleep. Elmo dreams about tickling a cow. Rosita can not help anymore and she rushes to her guitar lesson. 

Sesame Street Episode 4063

Big Bird wants to help and he brings a book I Dream of Chicken (by Dr. Petula Cluck). Big Bird reads this book in chicken but Elmo can’t understand it. So Big Bird translates. This book is about to dream of chickens. You have to stare at it before falling asleep. Then they make chicken sounds. 

Sesame Street Episode 4063

Bob is coming in in full chicken costume. He was apart of Prairie Dan’s latest musical, Cluckalot. Bob wants to get out of this outfit. Big Bird reads the book about a dancing chicken. Bob, accompanied by Rosita’s lullaby, does some chicken dancing and clucking.

Finally, Elmo falls asleep and he has his dream one more time! His friends wish him a good sleep.

Animation: A boy has a dream. He dreams that he floats in Outer Space between things. (First: Episode 3093)

Celebrity: "Everything's Coming Up Noses!" Harvey Fierstein is the guest star and he places noses while singing a song touting the virtues of the body part. 

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Cartoon: Bob Arbogast voices a cartoon man that has a succession of animal noses. This irritated the cartoon man. (First: Episode 0769)      

The Letter of the Day: T - Cookie Monster wants to eat cookies but Prairie Dawn tells him that there is any cookie in the vicinity. Cookie Monster eats then the letter T. Tasty! 

Episode 4063

Animation: Someone puts a picture puzzle of the letter T together. A man walks up to the puzzle and calls a taxi. (First: Episode 2933) (cut from the HBO version, cut from the YouTube version)      

The Spanish Word of the Day: teléfono. Big Bird and Snuffy want to know which is the Spanish word for the telephone. Someone announces it: teléfono. (First: Episode 3992) (cut from the HBO version, cut from the YouTube version.)

Cartoon: A telephone rings and some figures dance around. Artist: Keith Haring (First: Episode 3058)

Journey to Ernie: Dancing. Big Bird wants to find someone who can do Ernie’s dance. 

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Ernie & Bert: Bert is reading but Ernis interrupt his reading with a room of monsters. The monsters dancing in various styles. (First: Episode 4031) 

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Global Grover: Boyang is training to be an acrobat in China. Grover learned about him. Chinese kids are practicing tricks at an acrobat school. (First: Episode 4035)        

Global Thingy: Dino's Hurry. (First: Episode 4035)     

The Number of the Day: 20. The Number of the Day is 20. A huge monolith of the number 20 arrives (First: Episode 4006) 

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Animation: Twenty bears in 20 chairs. (First: Episode 3974)        

Joe Hundred Guy: Joe Hundred Guy is supposed to count to 100 by tens. But actually, he doesn’t know-how. The butler of Joe, instructs him how. Joe has a confession: his real name is Georgie Bernbaum. 

Sesame Street 4063

Elmo's World: Birds. (First: Episode 3945)

The Adventures of Trash Gordon: A gang of noisy Honkers has cornered Trash. He hosts a Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree and he solves this problem. Sesame Street Episode 4063 ends. 

Sesame Street Episode 4063


  1. Replies
    1. Because Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letter I and the number 7

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      Sesame Street Season 35

  2. Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letter T and the number 20

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      Sesame Street Season 35
