Sesame Street Episode 4305 - Me Am What Me Am

Sesame Street Episode 4305
Me Am What Me Am
Season 43

Sesame Street Episode 4305 appears as the 5th episode of the season 43. The name of the Episode is “Me Am What Me Am”. The air date of the episode is September 28, 2012.  The number of the Episode is 2 and the letter is W. The content of Episode 4305 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am

What's the Word on the Street?

Murray What's the Word on the Street Patience, Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am

Me Am What Me Am, Street Story
While Cookie Monster waits for Chris to make a new batch of cookies, Chris gives him some carrots to eat. Cookie Monster munches the carrots when Mario Lopez from EXTRA Sesame Street arrives with some breaking news The Cookie Monster is now the Veggie Monster! Cookie wants to convince him otherwise, but the playback footage shows him eating the carrots.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Cookie Monster Veggie Monster

Cookie Monster is worried about being the Veggie Monster, but Chris assures him, that no one will call him that. Then, Zoe and Rosita arrive and call Cookie Monster Veggie Monster now, because they heard it in the news. They turn on the TV and see footage of Cookie Monster listing the positives of carrots. Zoe and Rosita run off to tell the rest of the street but Cookie wants to prove he is not the Veggie Monster.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, chris, rosita, zoe, cookie monster

Outside Hooper’s, Cookie encounter Big Bird and Snuffy, who both don’t have cookies, but some cabbage Cookie monster eats the whole bowl of cabbage and Mario arrives again, telling the viewers that Veggie Monster is at it again. Cookie Monster again tries to defend himself but makes it even worse. Now even Big Bird and Snuffy call him Veggie Monster.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, chris, cookie monster

When Chris brings cookie a celery snack, cookie can’t resist and dresses like a monster named Rose Marie. He plows through the celery and Mario appears again, reporting about Veggie Monster, but Cookie Monster tells them that it’s not who he is. He sings “Me Am What Me Am” to explain that he’ll always be Cookie Monster.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Veggie Monster, Mario Lopez, big bird, Snuffy, zoe, rosita

Maria and the rest apologize for not believing him. Then, Chris brings out the finished cookies and he gobbles them all. Mario now reports that Veggie Monster is Cookie Monster again. But when he takes a bite out of a lamppost, he is now lamppost monster. Sesame Street Episode 4305's street story "Me Am What Me Am" ends.

Mario Lopez, Veggie Monster Cookie Monster, Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am

Zac Efron talks about the word “patience” while Elmo waits for him to finish so they can play basketball.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Zac Efron and Elmo

Muppets: Murray announces that Abby’s Flying Fairy School is coming up, but first, it’s time for Alphabet Cook-off!

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Murray and Ovejita, Alphabet Cookoff W

Two Kids find a wand in the woods and wish w words. The Boy is Gavin Hoyle, from Canada.

Animation: Fireflies lead the way to the W words in the forest.

Muppets: Murray and Jordan introduce Abby’s Flying Fairy School.

Abby’s Flying Fairy School Treasure HuntCaptain Hook visits class because he lost his treasure and Abby, Gonnigan, Blögg help him to get it again. The treasure turns out to be applesauce.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Abby’s Flying Fairy School Treasure Hunt, Captain Hook, Abby, Gonnigan, Blögg

Song: Count Me In

Muppets: Super Grover 2.0 is coming up, but now it’s time for “Number Cook-Off!”.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, murray and Ovejita Number Cookoff 2

Elmo and Abby sing “Two is You and Me”

Muppets: Murray and the kids introduce Super Grover 2.0

Super Grover 2.0 PulleysA bird family struggles to get their new grand piano in their nest and Super Grover 2.0 helps them.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Super Grover 2.0 Pulleys, bird family, piano, nest

Muppets: Murray declares, that in a few minutes, a curtain will rise on ‘Elmo the Musical’.

Birdwalk Empire: Nucky Ducky and his mallard crew walk. They have their own walk. They meet the rival gang of chickens, led by Clucky Luciano, who have their own walk too and begin an argument. Agent Van Cuckoo lands on the scene and they have an idea to stop argument, he makes them a new walk they can all do together.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Birdwalk Empire Nucky Ducky, Clucky Luciano, Agent Van Cuckoo

Muppets: Murray and Austin introduce “Elmo the Musical”

Elmo the Musical Pizza the MusicalToday, Elmo imagines himself as a space pizza delivery monster, set to deliver the number 10 special to mars.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Elmo the Musical Pizza the Musical, pizza delivery

Muppets: Murray announces the sponsors and Sesame Street Episode 4305 ends. Sesame Street sponsors are the number 2 and the letter W.

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Murray Sesame Street sponsors letter W

Sesame Street Episode 4305 Me Am What Me Am, Murray Sesame Street sponsors number 2

1 comment:

  1. Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter W and the number 2.
