Sesame Street Episode 4306
The Letter G Song
The Letter G Song
Sesame Street Episode 4306 appears as the 6th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is “The Letter G Song”. The air date of the episode is October 4, 2012. The number of the Episode is 3 and the letter is G. The content of Episode 4306 includes the following:
What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4306, we meet the word Grimace, it means an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.
The Letter G Song, Street Story: Scene begins with Elmo, Rosita and the letter J. They sing a song which is about letter J. The letter J leaves, and then we see the letter G, expressing that he can make “juh" sound too, as well has the hard-G sound. He is sad about not having a song like J does. The Muppets start singing a song which is the "J Friends" song again, but this time they use G letter instead of J, but the letter G does not like this and stops them, because it is the song of J and he wants an unique song for him.
Super Grover appears on the scene when he hears someone calling help. He has some song ideas for the letter G, and then he learns that they want an original composition. Grover begins with G, he sings a heroic song full of G words, and the song describes heroism. The letter G does not find the song is suitable for him.
Oscar offers to write a song of his own, when there are many Grouchy G-words. The letter G does not like this song.
The G thinks that he will never reach achieve his goofy dream that is having his own song. Rosita gets an idea. She gets her guitarra and begins to sing a song including full of G words in Spanish. But The G turns it down, she thinks that the song is too slow for a letter that likes to get up and go like him. Elmo realizes "Go" starts with G and makes a song that an upbeat G. Finally The G loves his song and gets happy.
MUPPETS / CELEBRITY: Ed Helms, who is an actor, is in the Sesame Street Episode 4306. He is here to show what a "grimace" is. Grimace is the word in the Episode 4306.
FILM: The Sesame Street Episode 4306 goes on with film part. There are two girls, they find G words. G: The G Club is preparing for the G-gionals. They sings a short song that are about guh sound of G. Sue who is gym teacher and her Geerios arrive. They sing a song that is their own song, it includes stresses the juh sound. When the two groups argue about which sound is the correct one, the letter G appears in order to express he can make both sounds. Both work together. They sing a song.
Abby's Flying Fairy School Fairy Face the Music: The students are in the music class, but they do not like the music that they make. Abby wants to use magic in order to play their instruments, but Mrs. Sparklenose refuses Abby's idea and says that practice is the right way in order to play instrument. They meet Morty that is a muse character. After some amazing adventures, the students decide to apply their knowledge and make music. They understand that practice is the right way in order to make music.
MUPPETS: The number of the day is 3 in the Sesame Street Episode 4306. Ovejita and Murray presents it in Number Cook-off part.
Super Grover 2.0 Rockin' the Boat: Sesame Street Episode 4306 continues on with Super Grover 2.0. Super Grover appears to help an elephant and a sheep, their boat is uneven. Grover uses his powers of investigation and he explains that they are not on the correct sides. They listen him and switch places, but the boat is still uneven. He tries to help them to make their bot balanced.
MUPPETS: Murray hosts a game. The name of the game Murray's Cubbies that includes food and the utensils used to eat them.
MUPPETS / CELEBRITY: Sutton Foster, who is an American actress is another celebrity guest in the Sesame Street Episode 4306. She sings a song that is I'm a Lever Lover.
Elmo the Musical Guacamole the Musical: Murray and girls announces "Elmo the Musical." Sesame Street Episode 4306 goes on with Elmo's musical. Elmo dreams himself as Chef Explorer. Chef Explorer Elmo goes to Nacho Picchu where he meets the Queen. The Queen wants a big dip for her big tortilla chip and Elmo is here to deliver. The Queen of Nacho Picchu tastes her giant tortilla and finds how well chip goes with Chef Explorer Elmo's guacamole, she decides to do a celebration. The Queen, Elmo and lackeys sing songs and they dance. There are four songs that are sung in this episode. The name of the songs are "I'm the Queen of Nacho Picchu," "We Want Guac," "Sniff Sniff Sniff," "Guacamole".
Sesame Street sponsors are the number 3 and the letter G. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4306, Murray presents the sponsors.
Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter G and by the number 3.