Sesame Street Episode 4307 - Brandeis is Looking For A Job

Sesame Street Episode 4307
Brandeis Is Looking For A Job
Season 43

Sesame Street Episode 4307 appears as the 7th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is “Brandeis Is Looking For A Job”. The air date of the episode is October 12, 2012.  The number of the Episode is 9 and the letter is S. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4307 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

What's the Word on the Street?
:  In Sesame Street Episode 4307, we meet the word career, it means an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

Murray What's the Word on the Street career, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

Brandeis Is Looking For A Job, Street Story
: Leela and Elmo appears on the scene and they meet Brandeis that a talking dog and also looking for a job. He talks about his job abilities, he is a certified lawyer and eye doctor, but the Leela does not need these, her needs is in laundry folding. Although it is the low level position, he accepts it and tries to fold the laundry, but he cannot fold properly. Leela has to fire him. Elmo decides to help him find a new job.

Leela, Brandeis, Elmo, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

They go to Hooper's Store and Brandeis has lot of qualification and he offers Chris some car insurance and pest control, but Chris does not need these, he only needs help sweeping. Brandeis tries to grab hold of the broom, but he cannot hold this due to his paws, it slips from there.  He want to hold with mouth, but again he cannot achieve it. Brandeis lose job again.

Chris, Brandeis, Elmo, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

Brandeis is so sad, because he thinks that he will never find a job. Elmo sees Gina with a dog. Gina explains the dog. Its name is Hercules that is a service dog who helps people. Brandeis likes this and wants to be service dog. He goes a training course several weeks to be the service dog.

Gina, Brandeis, Elmo, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

At the end of the course, Brandeis becomes a certified service dog. Gina gives his official service dog vest. Elmo learns that when a service dog wear the vest, the dog should not be petted in order to be concentrate, but he also learns that they can play when they do not work.  

Brandeis, Elmo, Gina, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

Today Brandeis meets the person who he will help as a service dog and he is nervous. His special friend, Lilliana who is in a wheelchair, She is nervous too. When they meet Brandeis picks up her dropped lunch bag and their friendship begins in a good situation. They go to the Hooper's for some milk. At the end of the scene Elmo thinks that he is going to become a good service dog. Brandeis Is Looking For A Job, Street Story ends.

Brandeis, Elmo, Lilliana, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: Sonia Sotomayor, who is a US Supreme Court Justice, is in the Sesame Street Episode 4307. She talks about career with Abby.

Sonia Sotomayor Abby Cadabby, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: There are little girls, they sing a song, and the name of the song is Change the World.

Change the World muppet song, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: We see Murray and Ojevita. They visit the zoo. They learn about zoo keeping. Also he learns about animals from Zookeeper Juan. A segment from the series People in your neighborhood.

Murray and Ojevita zoo People in your neighborhood, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: Sesame Street Episode 4307 continues with a Cartoon. The cartoon is about the letter of day. It is S. The main character of the cartoon is Bubba.

Abby's Flying Fairy School Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play-Along: Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play-Along. Murray and the kids present Abby's Flying Fairy School. It is trip time at school. Students go to the Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo. They cannot leave from there until they complete Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along. The first thing is that to feed the Hydra. Abby do this, gives carrot. Next step is that playing with Kraken. And the last one is they must ride the unicorn. At the end of the day, they love this trip. 

Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job, Abby's Flying Fairy School Puckish Pete's Petting Zoo Play Along

: There is a man in the film. He collects stray plastic bags and he makes a polar bear from them which gets inflated from the sidewalk air vent.

ANIMATION: The number of day is 9 in Sesame Street Episode 4307. Salty and Pierre ride on a train. They hope that it will take them to the number 9.

Salty and Pierre number 9 train, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: Children see the number 9 which is the number of day. It is in a pile of pebbles.

Super Grover 2.0 How Now Down Cow: Super Grover 2.0 appears on the scene to help a cow.  A lady cow is stuck at the top of the stairs at a beauty parlor in the city. Super Grover 2.0 tries to help her. After some unsuccessful attempts, he finally can achieve to save her.

Super Grover 2.0 How Now Down Cow stairs, Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

: RSI Rhyme Scene Investigation is another Muppet scene in the episode.

RSI Rhyme Scene Investigation,  Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

Elmo the musical
 Airplane the Musical
Murray and Maddy announces "Elmo the musical.” Sesame Street Episode 4306 goes on with Elmo's musical. The name of the part is Airplane the Musical. Elmo imagines himself as an airplane pilot. A penguin hires Elmo as a pilot. Elmo fly penguin bride-to-be to the South Pole for her wedding at 11 o'clock. There are three songs that are sung in this episode.  The name of the songs are "I'm Getting Married at Eleven," "Elmo's a Pilot," "Flapping Song"

Elmo the musical Airplane the Musical,  Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4307, Murray announces the sponsors at the zoo. Sesame Street sponsors are the number 9 and the letter S.

Murray Sesame Street sponsors number 9,  Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

Murray Sesame Street sponsors letter s,  Sesame Street Episode 4307 Brandeis Is Looking For A Job

1 comment:

  1. Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter S and by the number 9.
