Sesame Street Episode 4319 - Best House of the Year

Sesame Street Episode 4319
Best House of the Year
Season 43

Sesame Street Episode 4319 appears as the 19th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is Best House of the Year.  The air date of the episode is February 21, 2013.  The number of the Episode is 16 and the letter is O.  The content of Sesame Street Episode 4319 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

What's the Word on the Street?
:  In Sesame Street Episode 4319 we meet the word that is Innovation. It means that the action or process of innovating.

Murray What's the Word on the Street Innovation, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Best House of the Year, Street Story:
Scene begins with Elmo and Leela. Elmo shows Leela his rollerskating, at the same time they see the Three Little Pigs building a house on Sesame Street. They express that Better Homes and Styes Magazine holds an annual contest of Best House of the Year, and the winner gets their photo in the magazine. 

Three Little Pigs building a house, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

They call the editor Mr. William "Bill" Ding and his photographer, Fanny. He critiques the house in a positively way and decides to give prize, but when the Big Bad Wolf arrives, everything changes. Elmo knows that the wolf is unable to blow down brick, but he begins working out with a personal trainer. Fanny is ready to take their photo, but the Wolf huffs and puffs, and leaves their house in shambles. 

Three Little Pigs, Mr. William Bill Ding, Tim Gunn, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Bill deems their home imperfect and heads off.  Leela advises them to make a house from stronger material if they want to win. Elmo finds a rock, he shows them in order to use new building because it is stronger material than before. The pigs like it and sing a song. The name of the song is “We're Gonna Build a New House" The pigs complete the building from stone and they call Bill Ding again. He finds the new house suitable for Best House of the Year.

Three Little Pigs, Elmo, Leela, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Fancy is ready again to take photo but The Big Bad Wolf appears again and reduces the new house to rubble. Bill and Fanny leave again without taking photo. Pigs have to start again. One of the pig’s advices to use straw again, while another advices a home made of squirrels. Elmo again finds different and strong material that is a watering can made of metal. The new material is more strong than rock. The pigs sing their song again.

Elmo, Leela, Three Little Pigs, Mr. William Bill Ding, Tim Gunn, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

The pigs complete the new house again. They think this metal material made house is the strongest house that Big Bad Wolf cannot damage it. Bill and Fanny come one more time, but they meet same scene again, Big Bad Wolf appears, and damages the house. They lose their motivation, because they cannot find more durable material than metal. But suddenly Elmo has a different idea. He thinks that when he was blown, he was just sent rolling away instead of being broken up. If the house was on wheels too, it might just roll away not being destroyed. The pigs like the new idea and start to sing their building song.

Elmo, Leela, Three Little Pigs, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

The pigs make a duplicate of their first house which is only on wheels. Bill Ding arrives and he does not find their design different, because it is the same as the first and he is sure that Wolf will come and blow it down. The Big Bad Wolf appears to huff and puff, but only sends the house rolling away without blowing it in. Finally they become successful, Bill is impressed so much and gives them the award. Sesame Street story "Best House of the Year" ends. The role of Mr. William Bill Ding is played by Tim Gunn. Tim Gunn is an American writer and actor.

The Big Bad Wolf, Three Little Pigs, Mr. William Bill Ding, Tim Gunn, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Muppets - Celebrity
: Paula Patton, who is an actress, is in Sesame Street Episode 4319. She talks about innovation with Elmo. Innovation is the word on the Street.

Paula Patton celebrity, Elmo, the word on the Street Innovation, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: Murray and Ovejita are on the stage, they go to meet another one of the people in your neighborhood. Today Murray and Ovejita meet Joseph Herscher. He is a kinetic artist and demonstrates them how his trait works.

Murray and Ovejita, people in your neighborhood, kinetic artist Joseph Herscher, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: Sesame Street Episode 4319 goes on cartoon part. The name of the cartoon is "The O Show". O is the letter of day.

The O Show O words, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: In Sesame Street Episode 4319 the letter of day is O. The film is about this letter.

Abby's Flying Fairy School: Today at school Mrs. Sparklenose helps Abby, Blögg and Gonnigan recycle bottles they brought from home. One of Abby's bottles it dusty, she rubs it in order to clean dust and Gene the Genie appears. He refuses to go back in because he feels cramped inside the bottle. The bottle does not want to be empty, so it begins hopping around, looks for someone to suck inside. In our video, which is the HBO version, this segment is replaced by "Abby's Flying Fairy School: Henking Day".

Abby's Flying Fairy School Henking Day, Abby Cadabby Blögg Gonnigan, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Abby Cadabby Blögg Gonnigan, Abby's Flying Fairy School Henking Day, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: Murray and Ovejita talks with Joseph about Joseph's profession. He expresses that his favorite types of kinetic art are Rube Goldberg machines and start to design one that will water a plant.

the people in your neighborhood, Murray and Ovejita, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: There are 16 acorns. The number of day is 16 in Sesame Street Episode 4319.

Super Grover 2.0 Ice Block Party: There is a group of penguins. They begin their dance practice, but they meet a problem that is a large ice block is in the way. They need the help of Super Grover. Super Grover 2.0 arrives in the Super-Grovermobile to help.

Super Grover 2.0 Ice Block Party, penguins, large ice block, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Super Grover 2.0 Ice Block Party, Super Grovermobile, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

: Sesame Street Episode 4319 continues with song part. The name of the song is Construction Kids Cars.

Ernie and Bert: Ernie finds a circle, and then Bert sings a song that is "It's a Circle." Ernie joins him and they sing the two parts of the song together.

Ernie and Bert, Ernie finds a circle, Bert sings It's a Circle song, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Elmo the Musical President the Musical
: Murray and Austin announce the Elmo the musical, Sesame Street Episode 4319 continues with this part. The name of the section is President the Musical. He dreams himself President of the United States, living in the Red House. Elmo become the first monster to command the White House. He faces a problem and tries solve a problem. The problem is about all the firsts such as the First Lady, the First President photo, etc. are going missing! There are four songs that are sung in this episode.  The name of the songs are "Hail to the Chief," "First Second Third," "Number Two Song," "Tango"

Elmo the Musical President the Musical, Elmo President of the United States, the Red House, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Elmo the Musical President the Musical, Elmo President of the United States, the Red House, the first, second and third ladies, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 16 and the letter O. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4319, Murray, Ovejita and Joseph announce the sponsors and Episode ends there.

Murray Ovejita Sesame Street sponsors letter O, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

Murray Ovejita Sesame Street sponsors number 16, Sesame Street Episode 4319 Best House of the Year season 43

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