Sesame Street Episode 4324 - Trashgiving Day

Trashgiving Day
Sesame Street Episode 4324
Season 43

Sesame Street Episode 4324 appears as the 24th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is Trashgiving Day. The air date of the episode is April 11, 2013. The number of the Episode is 13 and the letter is J. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4324 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

What's the Word on the Street?
: In Sesame Street Episode 4324 we meet the word that is Inflate, It means that fill (a balloon, tyre, or other expandable structure) with air or gas so that it becomes distended.

Murray What's the Word on the Street Inflate, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Trashgiving Day, Street Story
: Alan and Chris welcome the viewer. Today it is a quiet, calm day on Sesame Street until a series of Grouches and musicians scrambling by. Oscar comes and tells them today's the Grouch holiday, Trashgiving. 

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

And then we see Grouches, Oscar explains some of the traditions about Trashgiving, and they sing a song that is Trashgiving carol.

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Grouches, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Gordon comes there. Oscar mentions about he is in charge of the big Trashgiving Day Parade, Mr. Disgracey, who is the sponsor of the big Trashgiving Day Parade, is eager to see parade, or Oscar will be fired. (Mr. Disgracey is played by Richard Kind.)

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Grouches, Gordon, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

The parade starts with Scabby and Scubby the Clowns, and continue with marching band. They are good shows but Mr. Disgracey does not like.

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, marching band, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Chris thinks that water is a good idea in order to change his idea. The sound in the horns will move differently through water than it does through air. Chris sprays his hose into the instruments, the musicians start to play, that results in a horrible noise and sprays the water on Alan and Chris. Mr. Disgracey is impressed that.

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, marching band, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Alan, Chris, Oscar, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, marching band, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

The Maysour float is the next. Oscar stops it, he is appalled by the colorful float they have. Alan thinks that water can work this time again. He has Chris spray the hose at the float that the flowers droop and paint runs. This occurs a nice view. Mr. Disgracey likes this again.

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, Bob, the Maysour float, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, the Maysour float, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

The giant balloon of Stenchy the Stinkbug is the last part. But Oscar does not like the balloon is floating and stops it. Alan and Chris use the water third time and it works again. They fill balloon with water that makes it heavy and impossible to fly. Mr. Disgracey thinks that this is the worst parade ever, and he gives Oscar a promotion. Chris and Alan decide to take Trashgiving Day off next year.

the giant balloon of Stenchy the Stinkbug, Alan, Chris, Oscar the Grouch, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Grouches, Alan, Chris, Mr. Disgracey, Richard Kind, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Muppets - Celebrity
: Don Cheadle, who is an actor, is Sesame Street Episode 4324. Don Cheadle and Elmo talk about inflate. It is the word on the Street.

Don Cheadle and Elmo talk about inflate. the word on the Street inflate. celebrity. Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: There is a man in the film part, he collects some stray plastic bags. He creates a polar bear from them that gets inflated from the sidewalk air.

Muppets: Murray and Ovejita appear, they announce the part of the people in your neighborhood. They meet conductor Alan Gilbert at Lincoln Center.

Murray and Ovejita, the people in your neighborhood Conductor Alan Gilbert, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: The letter of day is J. The film is about it. The film include montage of people jumping.

Cartoon: Sesame Street Episode 4324 goes on with cartoon part. Elmo sings a song which is about the letter J on the word "jacket.”

Animated Elmo sings the J sound on the word "jacket." Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Abby's Flying Fairy School Henking Day
: It's Henking Day, it is not a real holiday it is a troll holiday. Blögg plans to celebrate with grandfather Blögg. The class has a trip to the Enchanted Forest and look for his tree. The tree identified by its blue trunk, orange leaves and red door. They try to find the tree, walk inside the forest and they find a tree like this identified tree but in fact it is a creature like a tree. And a short time later they find the tree. And all of them do the Henking Dance.

Abby Cadabby, Blögg, Gonnigan, Mrs. Sparklenose, Abby's Flying Fairy School Henking Day, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: Murray and Ovejita appear again. They talk with Alan. Alan explains his job, he talks about the instruments his students are playing.

Murray, the people in your neighborhood Conductor Alan Gilbert, New York Philharmonic, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Ovejita, the people in your neighborhood Conductor Alan Gilbert, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: The number of day is 13. In the cartoon part there are thirteen water-skiing hippos.

Thirteen water skiing hippos, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: A little girl sings “Thirteen's Not So Lucky.”

A little girl sings “Thirteen's Not So Lucky.” Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Super Grover 2.0 Lemonade Stand
: Murray and his friends introduce this part. We see at a lemonade stand in the tundra, some animals realise pink lemonade is frozen solid. Grover comes and wants to help them, he uses his jackhammer for pink lemonade, but this attempt just breaks it up into still-frozen pieces. One of the animals has an idea that heating can be melt it, Grover likes this idea and uses his earmuffs, scarf and gloves, but this time he gets cold and this does not melt pink lemonade. The moose gets his hairdryer and it works, thanks to it the frozen lemonade melts.

Super Grover 2.0 Lemonade Stand, frozen lemonade, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Super Grover 2.0 Lemonade Stand, frozen Super Grover, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: Eine kleine Nachtmusik is performed by musicians and Murray. (The people in your neighborhood)

Murray and Ovejita, the people in your neighborhood Conductor Alan Gilbert, New York Philharmonic, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Muppets - Celebrity
: John Legend, who is an R&B singer and pianist, is in Sesame Street Episode 4324. John Legend sings a song with Hoots, the name of the song It Feels Good When You Sing a Song.

John Legend sings "It Feels Good When You Sing a Song" with Hoots the Owl. Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Elmo the Musical President the Musical
: Murray and children announce the Elmo the musical, Sesame Street Episode 4324 continues with this part. Elmo dreams himself President of the United States, living in the Red House. Elmo become the first monster to command the White House. He faces a problem and tries solve a problem. The problems is about all the firsts such as the First Lady, the First President photo, etc. are going missing! There are four songs that are sung in this episode.  The name of the songs are "Hail to the Chief," "First Second Third," "Number Two Song," "Tango"

Elmo imagines he's President of the United States, Elmo the Musical President the Musical, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Elmo the Musical President the Musical, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

: Sesame Street sponsors are the number 13 and the letter J. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4324 Murray announces the sponsors accompanied by an orchestra.

Murray Sesame Street sponsors letter J, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

Murray Sesame Street sponsors number 13, Sesame Street Episode 4324 Trashgiving Day season 43

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