Sesame Street A Celebration of Me, Grover
"A Celebration of Me, Grover" is a Sesame Street special. The 2004 special focused on Grover and was intended to honor her. The DVD of the 39 minute video was released with various bonuses.
Some of the clips featured in "A Celebration of Me, Grover" are as follows:
A number of Sesame Street characters gathered for The Flyer’s Club Roost party. Here, the "Frequent Flying of the Year" award goes to Super Grover. Big Bird praises Grover and the guests sing "Grover Work Song"
One of the party invitees is Mr. Johnson. Waiter Grover takes his order and when asked why he works, he replies, "I have to make money."
Big Bird mentions that Super Grover is a great fly.
Here, the main story is interrupted. "Over, Under, Around and Through." The song is sung by Grover.
Sesame Street A Celebration of Me, Grover continues. Elmo carries a telegram from Dorothy's about Grover. Grover trains Elmo about telegrams. To illustrate this, they go to Mr Johnson's house. Grover gives Mr. Johnson the wrong telegram. Mr. Johnson is angry, but Elmo corrects it.
Bert tells that he loves Grover because he is friendly. Ernie wonders why. Later, Lena Horne's song "How Do You Do" to Grover appears on the screen.
Big Bird has a request from Oscar. She asks him to say something about Grover. Oscar tells us that Super Grover flew badly but landed nicely.
In a muppet clip, Super Grover falls into a house and tries to turn off the lamp to save money.
Cookie Monster takes the podium and wants to talk about Gover, but eats his speech.
"Monsterpiece Theater: The King and I", a muppet show, is shown.
Big Bird and three kids take the stage. The kids tell why they love Grover.
In "A Celebration of Me, Grover", The next scene shows the adventure of Grover and an elephant in the phone booth.
This time Zoe takes the podium. Zoe tells that she loves Grover because he likes to dance.
In the next muppet scene, the clip "ABC Disco" is shown.
Mr. Johnson takes the podium. He wants to say nice things about Grover, but has a hard time.
In the next muppet video, Grover tries to sell Mr Johnson a wig.
It's time to give the grand prize at the party. Super Grover flew into the hall and all the guests sang "Proud of Me" for him.
Sesame Street A Celebration of Me, Grover ends like this.
As child