Porridge Art
Sesame Street Episode 4325
Season 43
Sesame Street Episode 4325
Season 43
Sesame Street Episode 4325 appears as the 25th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is Porridge Art. The air date of the episode is April 18, 2013. The number of the Episode is 19 and the letter is Z. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4325 includes the following:
What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4325 we meet the word that is Sculpture. It means that the art of making two or three dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.
Porridge Art, Street Story: Alan appears at the beginning of the scene, he serves Baby Bear and Telly some porridge that is Baby Bear's favorite brand: Quacker Instant Porridge.
He sees an advertising on the box, it is a porridge art contest, which art is made from porridge. Alan reads the rules of contest. The art must portray the Quacker Duck Man and to enter, just call him.
There's no phone number on the box and Baby Bear shouts "Hey, Quacker Duck Man!" the Quacker Duck Man (Bobby Moynihan) appears. Baby Bear is so surprised and he does not have any art, because he does not expect to see him when shouting, but Telly says he will have an art soon.
The Quacker Duck Man understands and says will come back when they are ready. Alan offers a big batch of porridge for him to use and Telly wants to be his model. Baby Bear leaves in order to get his supplies. (The character of the Quacker Duck Man is played by Bobby Moynihan.)
Telly prepared something, Baby Bear is ready to start but he does not know what to do with the porridge. Glow gives him the inspiration to paint with it.
Baby Bear paints a likeness of the Quacker Duck Man with some food coloring. They call the Duck Man. Baby Bear finds the porridge sliding off the canvas, ruining the picture! They hide it and they say Duck Man that it will be ready soon. In another bout of inspiration, he decides to use it for his artwork.
He makes a mushy porridge and then they call the Quacker Duck Man. While Alan argues with him because he damages his boxes, some woodland animals begin to munch Baby Bear's art to pieces. Baby Bear needs a new idea.
Alan decides to provide security of his stack with rope and Alan sees Baby Bear's made a near perfect likeness of Telly, but in fact Telly encased in porridge! Alan warns them not to cheat and they get Telly out of the porridge.
Baby Bear sees porridge can harden and he thinks he can use this material to make sculpture. Alan demonstrates him how they can make dryer porridge without waiting much. A bust sculpture of the Quacker Duck Man is created by Baby Bear and Baby Bear calls him.
They show him his sculpture and the Duck Man likes his art so much and Baby Bear becomes the winner. The prize is lunch with the Quacker Duck Man himself. They eat the sculpture.
Muppets - Celebrity: Jon Hamm, who is an actor, is in Sesame Street Episode 4325. He talks about sculpture with Elmo. Sculpture is the word on the Street.
Muppets: Murray and Ovejita appear, they announce the part the people in your neighborhood. They meet Paul Zaloom who is a puppeteer and he introduces his puppet, Buster.
Film: Sesame Street Episode 4325 goes on with film part. There is a man in the film part. He paints a Z word on his hand - zebra.
Abby's Flying Fairy School: Today at school we see Abby and Gonnigan. They work on their magic macaroni art. Blögg uses magic to create a life-size Macaroni dinosaur. But it begins wrecking everything. Mrs. Sparklenose tries to help them with her suggestion. The suggestion is to spot the solution. In our video, which is the HBO version, this segment is replaced by "Abby's Flying Fairy School: Pinocchio Process".
Super Grover 2.0 Farm: A sheep has lost her knitting needle in a haystack and needs help. Super Grover comes to help. He dives into it, but is unable to find it. After some unsuccessful attempts, he uses magnet and finds her knitting needle.
Muppets - Celebrity: Lorena and Lorna Feijóo are ballet dancers, they are in Sesame Street Episode 4325. Zoe watches their dance performance.
Elmo the Musical Athlete the Musical: Murray and children announce the Elmo the musical, Sesame Street Episode 4325 continues with this part. Elmo imagines himself as an athlete. He faces off against an Enormous Athlete to win a pair of golden shoes that is a coveted prize Elmo wants to win. At the end of the play Enormous Athlete wins, Velvet thinks it is a bad thing, but Elmo does not think like him, he does not care losing, Elmo has fun when playing the game. There are four songs that are sung in this episode. The name of the songs are "Cheerleader Song," "The Golden Shoes," "End Zone Dance," "The Good Guy Athlete Anthem"
Sponsors: At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4325 Murray announces the sponsors. Sesame Street sponsors are the number 19 and the letter Z.
Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter Z and by the number 19.