Great Vibrations
Sesame Street Episode 4326
Season 43
Sesame Street Episode 4326
Season 43
Sesame Street Episode 4326 appears as the 26th episode of the 43rd season. The name of the Episode is Great Vibrations. The air date of the episode is April 25, 2013. The number of the Episode is 20 and the letter is A. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4326 includes the following:
What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4326 we meet the word that is Vibrate. It means that move continuously and rapidly to and fro.
Great Vibrations, Street Story: A small child orchestra is conducted by Bob. Abby Cadabby overhears it and likes music and wants to make music like them.
Bob says that anyone can make music and also offers to teach, but first Abby Cadabby needs an instrument. She does not decide which instrument she will play.
Grover comes and introduces himself as a "Music Monster," he gives a musical sales pitch for some instruments. There is a violin.
Ursula shows how the violin works. Bob continues to show the two how vibrations make sound. Grover offers to sell her it half price, but Abby wants to look another instruments.
Grover comes with a "tootle-tooter," a.k.a a trombone. Lauren shows them how it works and how vibrations come into play when using it. Grover wants to sell, but Abby has not decides yet, and wants to look another instruments.
Abby Cadabby sees the timpani nearby and Zachary shows them how it plays music. Abby likes this instrument and Bob allows her to play with the class.
Grover says that he does not know how any instruments work, but Abby Cadabby advises he sing along. Great Vibrations is performed by Abby, Grover.
Muppets - Celebrity: Kellan Lutz, who is an actor, is in Sesame Street Episode 4326. Kellan Lutz shows Cookie Monster things that vibrate. Vibrate is the word on the Street.
Muppets: Murray and Ovejita appear, they announce the part the people in your neighborhood. They meet an opera singer Isabel Leonard.
Muppets: A's Anatomy: Grover appears as a doctor, he is an alphabet specialist. Dr. Grover reassembles an injured letter "A" that has had an accident. A is the letter of day in Sesame Street Episode 4326.
Film: Sesame Street Episode goes on with film part. The film is about the letter of day. It is A. A for Astronaut.
Abby's Flying Fairy School Fairy Face the Music: The students are in the music class, but they do not like the music that they make. Abby wants to use magic in order to play their instruments, but Mrs. Sparklenose refuses Abby's idea and says that practice is the right way in order to play instrument. They meet Morty that is a muse character. After some amazing adventures, the students decide to apply their knowledge and make music. They understand that practice is the right way in order to make music.
Muppets: Murray and Isabel Leonard talk about opera. (The people in your neighborhood - Opera Singer)
Cartoon: The number of the day is 20. The cartoon is about this number. Cartoon part includes Number 20 Song.
Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures Rainforest: We see Ernie and Bert as rainforest ecologists, they answer the call of a parrot in danger. They climb to the top of the tree, they see an operatic beaver chewing down the trees. They ask him why do this and learn he is not doing it to make a dam, but instead of this, he wants to make an opera house for diva and begins eyeing the parrot's tree. Ernie wants to distract him and Bert dress as a tree to lure him away, but Bert fears. As rainforest ecologists they wants to teach the beaver that animals use trees for their homes. He understands his mistake and does not continue it anymore.
Muppets - Celebrity: Jason Mraz is in Sesame Street Episode 4326, Jason Mraz sings about being "Outdoors” Elmo, Baby Bear, Abby Cadabby, Rosita, Big Bird and the children join his performance.
Elmo the Musical Prince Elmo the Musical: Elmo imagines himself as a prince. Prince Elmo and his mice assistants travel to conquer. In the land there is a dragon with stinky breath and people, who live in there, are afraid of the dragon. There are five songs that are sung in this episode. The name of the songs are "Prince Elmo," "Over, Under, Through," "Froggy Quintet," "Dragon Breath," "Stinky Things"
Sponsors: Sesame Street sponsors are the number 20 and the letter A. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4326, Isabel Leonard announces the sponsors. Murray and Ovejita are also on stage.
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