Sesame Street Episode 4405 - Simon Says

Sesame Street Episode 4405
Simon Says
Season 44

Sesame Street Episode 4405 appears as the 5th episode of the season 44. The name of the Episode is “Simon Says”. The air date of the episode is September 20, 2013.  The number of the Episode is 15 and the letter is Z. The content of Episode 4405 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

What’s the word on the street?:

Murray What’s the word on the street Relax, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Simon Says, Street Story:
Kids, Monsters, and sheep of all kinds are preparing for the local “Simon Says Competition.” Telly welcomes the viewer and introduces the representative from Sesame Street: Elmo! Elmo and Chris explain, that Elmo can’t participate, because the game is only for kids between 4 and 10 years old and Elmo is just 3 and a half. 

Telly, Elmo, Chris, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Telly, on the other hand, is old enough to play and they suggest him to do so, but he says that he’s not good at it. Chris leads them in a practice game and Telly loses because he doesn’t understand the point of the game.

Telly, Elmo, Chris, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Suddenly, Philip appears, introducing the man everybody listens to Simon! Telly asks Simon why everybody must do what he says, and Simon sings a song about when he was young, people have just done “Whatever Simon Says”. 

Philip, Simon, Peter Dinklage, Telly, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Telly isn’t sure if he will compete until Simon gets him to play. 
In the Simon Says street story, the character of Simon is played by Peter Dinklage.

Simon, Peter Dinklage, Telly, Philip, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Telly freaks out because he is afraid of failing and Simon (
Peter Dinklage) sings his song again, telling him to relax. Telly breaths and does some relaxing and Chris starts another practice game, and Telly does make it further than before but still loses. 

Telly, Philip, Simon, Peter Dinklage, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Simon sings a song about paying attention and listening to the words “Simon Says”. The game starts and Simon leaves him with the key to winning, relax, listen, and think.

Philip, Simon, Peter Dinklage, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Telly successfully makes it in the top three. A little lamb messes up and only Telly and a girl are left and Simon tells them to wish each other good luck, and the girl who wishes Telly luck loses because he didn’t say “Simon Says”. 

Telly, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Telly wins and everyone gathers around him to celebrate and Simon makes an announcement: Next year, instead of “Simon Says” the competition will be “Philip Says”. 

Telly, Philip, Simon, Peter Dinklage, Elmo, Chris, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Sesame Street Episode 4405's street story "Simon Says" ends.

Simon, Peter Dinklage, Elmo, Chris, Telly, Philip, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Lena Headey talks about the word on the street relax.

Murray, celebrity, Lena Headey talks about the word on the street relax, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

“Quiet or Loud.”

Quiet or Loud, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Before Abby’s Flying Fairy School lands, Murray and Ovejita will take us to school. In Murray Has a Little Lamb, they visit a yoga school.

Murray and Ovejita, Murray Has a Little Lamb, yoga school, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

A man paints a Zebra on his hand, which starts with the letter Z.

Cartoon: Elmo sings the Z sound in “Z - Zebra song”

Animated Elmo sings the Z sound in Z - Zebra song, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Murray and Jordan introduce Abby’s Flying Fairy School.

Abby’s Flying Fairy School Blögg's Sense of Sludge: In class, Abby Cadabby, Blögg, Gonnigan will use their senses to study the water in their water table. But Blögg rather wants to study his sludge balls instead which causes a lot of trouble. They use their senses to get the sludge balls out of the water and succeed!

Abby’s Flying Fairy School Blögg's Sense of Sludge, Abby Cadabby, Blögg, Gonnigan, Mrs. Sparklenose, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Abby’s Flying Fairy School Blögg's Sense of Sludge, Abby Cadabby, Blögg, Gonnigan, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Before Cookie’s Crumby Picture comes on, Murray talks about yoga with teacher Shari.

Murray and Ovejita, Murray Has a Little Lamb, yoga school, Murray talks about yoga, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Fifteen Trucks are counted. They then make a large 15.

Muppets: Murray and Maylon introduce “Cookie’s Crumby Pictures”

Cookie's Crumby Pictures The Biscotti Kid: Cookie Monster plays the character "Cookie-san" who wants to learn the art of Biscotti Karate from Mr. MiCookie. But Cookie-san has a hard time focusing because he's focusing his attention on the cookie belt. This segment is an adaptation of The Karate Kid and first aired in Sesame Street Episode 4405.

Cookie's Crumby Pictures The Biscotti Kid, Mr. MiCookie, Biscotti Karate, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Cookie's Crumby Pictures The Biscotti Kid, Mr. MiCookie, Biscotti Karate, The Karate Squid, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Elmo the Musical is next, but now it’s time for the yoga lesson.

Murray and Ovejita, Murray Has a Little Lamb, yoga school, Murray struggles with Warrior Three, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Sons of poetry, Mr. Browning needs a rhyme for the end of his love poem.

Sons of poetry, Mr. Browning, Ms. Barrett, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Murray and Austin introduce Elmo the Musical.

Elmo the Musical Circus the Musical: The name of this section is Circus the Musical. Elmo has a great Dream World, and he dreams himself as various characters each episode. In this episode Elmo plays a "monster with a dream" of joining the circus.

Elmo the Musical Circus the Musical, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

He ringmaster says Elmo that he needs an act before he can join that Elmo does not have yet. The first act, The Great In-Between cannot continue and Elmo goes on his place. We see Elmo's and The Chicken's funny adventures in this part. 
There are five songs that are sung in this episode.  The name of the songs are "To Join the Circus," "Ring Master Song," "In Between Song," "The High Wire Song," "Keep on Cluckin'"

The Great In Betweeni, High Walking Heidi, Zowie Zown the Upside Down Clown, Elmo the Musical Circus the Musical, the ringmaster, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Murray announces the sponsors. Sesame Street sponsors are the number 15 and the letter Z. Sesame Street Episode 4405 ends.

Murray Sesame Street sponsors letter Z, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

Murray Sesame Street sponsors number 15, Sesame Street Episode 4405 Simon Says season 44

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