Sesame Street Episode 4423 - Baby Bear Hates Tee Ball

Sesame Street Episode 4423
Baby Bear Hates Tee Ball
Season 44

Sesame Street Episode 4423 appears as the 23rd episode of the 44th season. The air date of the episode is January 30, 2014. The number of the Episode is 1 and the letter is G. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4423 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Baby Bear Hates Tee Ball

What's the Word on the Street?: In Sesame Street Episode 4423, we meet the word Athlete, it means a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. What's the Word on the Street

SCENES: Papa Bear and Baby Bear will play Wee Tee Ball. Baby Bear play this game before with Grandma Bear.  Papa Bear sings a song that is about how "Nothing Could Be Better" than playing Wee Tee Ball with his son.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 1

And then they begin, their first step is to practice hitting. Baby Bear revs up, but suddenley he sees a butterfly and quickly distracted, he likes its wing design so much. Papa Bear steers him back to the tee, and says him to keep his eye on the ball. Baby Bear does so but at the same time he becomes fascinated with butterfly's round shape and wants to draw it.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 2

Papa Bear tells him he can draw after they practice. Abby appears on the scene, having found his bat. She reveals she plays for the Powder Poof league and magically she hits the ball away. She learns that most of people  use the bat to hit the ball and she finds it more fun! She goes home to her mommy.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 3

Cookie Monster comes when Papa Bear and Baby Bear play Wee Tee Ball. He wants to join game, explains that he knows how to play and her mum is a coach. He takes a swing and delivers Papa Bear a great hit. After this great hit, he wants a cookie, but Papa Bear does not have a cookie, and Cookie Monster eats  the ball and bat instead of cookie and he leaves for a game of "Cookie Tennis."

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 4

Although Cookie ate the ball, Papa Bear still has a whole bucket full. Without the bat, he is prepared to practice catching instead. He throws him a ball, but Baby Bear fails to catch it, because he is interested in the stitching of his mitt and want to draw it. Later they try again and Baby Bear can catch, and they decide today is enough, because his arm is tired.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 5

Papa Bear decides that they practice running now and he runs down the block, he hopes Baby Bear will follow. Baby Bear start to draw and meet Chris. Chris says that he meet his dad when running so fast. Papa Bear returns, Baby Bear admits he doesn't like Wee Tee Ball. Papa Bear understands and they decide to do different thing both they like.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. 6

Muppets / Celebrity: Albert Pujols who is a Dominican-American baseball first baseman, is in Sesame Street Episode 4423. He talk about athlete with Grover. 

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Albert Pujols talk about athlete with Grover.

Murray has a little lamb: Murray's ready for school, and Ovejita is with him. They go baseball school.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Murray's ready for school, and Ovejita is with him. They go baseball school.

Film / Animation: There are two girls find G words. Letter G is the letter of the day in Sesame Street Episode 4423.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. There are two girls find G words.

Abby's Flying Fairy School: Murray and Georgia announces Abby's Flying Fairy School. Today Mrs. Sparklenose is teaching the students opposites, but Blögg doesn't understand the concept as easy.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Abby's Flying Fairy School

Muppets: We see Murray again, he is at baseball school, Murray learns about the sport from the coaches.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. We see Murray again, he is at baseball school

Cartoon: Today the number of the day is 1 in the Sesame Street Episode 4423, in the cartoon part there is a girl and she talks about the number 1.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. in the cartoon part there is a girl and she talks about the number 1.

Cookie's Crumby Pictures: Murray and the children introduce "Cookie's Crumby Pictures". It presents The Biscotti Kid. Mr. MiCookie wants to teach Cookie Monster the ancient art of "Biscotti Karate". He warns him to listen and watch carefully, but Cookie cannot concentrate on and he focuses on the black-and-white cookie belt instead. His first attempt results with fail. But later he listens carefully and learns. Finially he can achieve . He earns the cookie belt. 

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Cookie's Crumby Pictures The Biscotti Kid.

Muppets: Oscar announces the GrouchBO hit series, the name of the part is True Mud. A mysterious man enters a restaurant and he says the waitress he wants true mud.The other customers begin to assume he's a Grouch. 

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Oscar announces the GrouchBO hit series, the name of the part is True Mud.

Elmo the Musical: Murray and Daphnie are on the stage, they introduce "Elmo the Musical." Sesame Street Episode 4423 goes on with Elmo's musical. Elmo imagines himself as a athlete.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Elmo the Musical. Elmo imagines himself as a athlete.

He faces off against an Enormous Athlete to win a pair of golden shoes that is a coveted prize Elmo wants to win. At the end of the play Enormous Athlete wins, Velvet thinks it is a bad thing, but Elmo does not think like him, he does not care losing, Elmo has fun when playing the game.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. Elmo the Musical. Elmo is a athlete.

At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4423, Murray presents the sponsors. Episode ends there.

Sesame Street Episode 4423. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4423, Murray presents the sponsors.

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