Elmo's Music Magic - Sesame Street

Sesame Street Elmo's Music Magic

Sesame Street Elmo's Music Magic

Sesame Street Elmo's Music Magic

Sesame Street Elmo's Music Magic

Elmo's Music Magic was released in 2011. Elmo's Music Magic is the home video release of the main storyline in Sesame Street Episode Episode 4220, Season 41, but it is recycles with new scenes featuring Elmo to help break up the story.

There are song in Elmo's Music Magic, also including a new song, "Come Back Cookie," and ends with a new performance of "One Small Voice."

The song "What I Am" by Will.i.am and a sing-along version of the video, with lyrics and bouncing ball are  two bonus features.

As we see from the tittle, Elmo's Music Magic includes music and songs.

 In main storyline in Sesame Street Episode Episode 4220, Abby goes to the library to return some books and she leaves her wand behind. Elmo  tries to make some magic with wand, but nothing happens. He uses it like a conductor's baton and waves it saying "Music, Music, Music!" suddenly music starts and everything. He gets confused then realises the wand causes this. people around him begin to sing "Can't Stop Singing..." in an endless loop. Elmo goes to Hooper's Store , he uses the wand and Alan begins singing about porridge. Elmo realises that he can provide high or low voice music using the wand. Elmo waves it low, making them sing in a low octave about how cold the next bowl is. Elmo and Chris go to the Laundromat, Elmo uses the wand again and  everyone sings with Chris about his shirt. Elmo likes all these things and that makes him happy until he realises that everbody is tired of singing a song. Elmo decides to end it all, but he doesn't know how to end all of them. Abby comes back and fixes everything.Elmo apologizes and .also Leela expresses that he does not need magic for music, starting to  sing is enough, and then others will follow.

Elmo's Music Magic includes some segments:

"It Feels Good When You Sing a Song is performed by John Legend and Hoots. The song is about how it is not important what you sing about or how you sing, but singing will cheer up you that is important.

Together, We'll Make Music." is sung by Garth Brooks and his monster friends.

There are four film parts in Elmo's Music Magic. In the first film part,  there are Beatboxers and they show that M stands for "Mouth Music."

Another film parts Kids play low and high notes, later  loud and soft notes and then fast and slow notes on the Shpritzer. In each of them Elmo voice-over added.

Diva sings a song in high and low octaves, the name of the song is  "The Alphabet Song".

We see Ernie and Bert while singing "Loud and Soft."

 There are two cartoon parts of Elmo's Music Magic. In the first cartoon there are birds that dance fast and slow. In the second one, The Green Violinist plays fast and slow.

Sugarland and Elmo sing a song. The name of the song is "Songs.". It is about music.

Song About Elmo" is a Sesame Street song. The song is performed by Adam Sandler for Elmo.

 "Everybody's Song is sung by Diana Krall and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Does Elmo have power to change the music go in a different pitch, volume, and tempo?
