Sesame Street Episode 4516 - Oscar’s Clean Tuxedo

Sesame Street Episode 4516
Oscar’s Clean Tuxedo
Season 45

Sesame Street Episode 4516 appears as the 16th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Oscar’s Clean Tuxedo. The air date of the episode is January 14, 2015. The number of the Episode is 3 and the letter is X. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4516 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4516 appears as the 16th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Oscar’s Clean Tuxedo.

What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4516 we see the word Pattern.

What's the Word on the Street. In Sesame Street Episode 4516 we see the word Pattern.

In this episode's street scene segments, Elmo assists Leela at the laundromat when Oscar enters, requesting his tuxedo. Oscar claims that Grouches have their clothes dampened and grimed at laundromats. Leela returns with bad news: there was a mix-up, and she has accidentally cleaned Oscar's tuxedo jacket. Upset, Oscar storms out.

Oscar mopes at Hooper's Store, where Leela and Elmo come to apologize. Oscar explains that he had the three yuckiest stains of his life on that jacket and shares stories about how they got there. The first stain happened in high school at the Enchantment Under the Sewers Dance, where a waiter slopped mud pie on his jacket, leaving a triangle-shaped stain. The second stain came from Oscar's days as a stand-up comic at the "Yuckles" night club when the audience threw tomatoes and rotten eggs at him, creating a pattern on his sleeve. The third and final stain came on his wedding day when Grundgetta left Oscar at the altar and plopped anchovy sauce-covered onion rings on his jacket, leaving a big, bigger, and biggest stain.

Oscar finishes his stories and storms out of the store. Elmo thinks they can recreate the stains since he's remembered all the ones Oscar described. The others agree, but they need someone to wear the jacket as they apply the stains. Unfortunately for her, Leela seems to be the only one it'll fit.

First, they apply the triangle stain using a mud pie cut into a triangle shape. Chris plops it onto the jacket, leaving a perfect triangle stain. Next, Chris and Elmo prepare to pelt Leela with rotten eggs and tomatoes, but she points out there was a pattern to them. Elmo recites it as Chris throws the items at the jacket. Finally, Chris prepares some onion rings and stains the jacket with them. With the jacket complete, they head over to Oscar's.

The gang presents Oscar with the re-stained jacket, and he's amazed. Bert rides by on his bike, knocking the jacket down and adding a tire stain to it. This pleases Oscar even more, and he quietly thanks them for helping. He tells them to scram as he adds his own stains to the jacket inside his can.

Elmo and Craig Robinson demonstrate a fruit and vegetable pattern. When one element is missing, Craig steps in and substitutes as a broccoli.

In a cartoon segment, a girl goes to the store to buy a loaf of bread, container of milk, and a stick of butter, teaching children about grocery shopping and remembering items.

Cookie Monster stars in "Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents The Hungry Games: Catching Fur." Cookie-ness Evereat and his friends, including Pita (the literal bread), play another round of the Hungry Games. They solve fruit and food patterns to overcome various obstacles, only to find out there will be a third movie.

An animation segment features two groups of creatures creating a rhythm by lining up in a pattern on top of a keyboard.

Elmo and the gang introduce the letter of the day, "X," through a lively song and dance number. Cookie Monster also sings about the "X" sound in the word "X-ray."

In "Abby's Flying Fairy School," Abby, Gonnigan, and Blögg's items vanish along with Mrs. Sparklenose's wand. They encounter a Cubby Creature and must follow a pattern and guess his name to win their belongings back.

OK Go performs a song about the "Three Primary Colors," teaching children about primary colors and how they mix to create other colors.

Count von Count and friends sing and stomp to find the number of the day, which is 3. Elmo and the Harlem Globetrotters also show the number 3 in a fun and engaging way.

In a cartoon segment, a cowboy hat/boot pattern is displayed, teaching children about patterns and visual recognition.

Grover introduces his monster friends, Bill (who's tall), Phil (who's taller), and Sally (the tallest). He starts a game of "Where Did the Tallest Monster Go?" asking the viewer to find the tallest monster based on the color hat they're wearing.

In "Elmo the Musical: Airplane the Musical," Elmo imagines himself as an airplane pilot hired by a penguin bride-to-be to fly her to the South Pole for her wedding. They go on various adventures to find a ring, flowers, and bridesmaids, teaching children about problem-solving and creativity.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. 1

Sesame Street Episode 4516. 2

Sesame Street Episode 4516. 3

Sesame Street Episode 4516. 4

Celebrity: Elmo and Craig Robinson introduce the word of the day, pattern.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Elmo and Craig Robinson introduce the word of the day, pattern.

Muppets: Murray hosts Guess What's Next game.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Murray hosts Guess What's Next game.

Muppets: Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents The Hungry Games Catching Fur.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents The Hungry Games Catching Fur.

Muppets: Elmo and his friends introduce the letter of the day X by dancing.

Cartoon: The song about the X-ray and the letter X is sung by animated Cookie Monster.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. The song about the Xray and the letter X is sung by animated Cookie Monster.

Animation: Abby's Flying Fairy School Blögg's Schlubby.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Abby's Flying Fairy School Blögg's Schlubby.

Song: Three Primary Colors song performed by OK Go.

Muppets: The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day: 3.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day 3.

Celebrity: The Harlem Globetrotters and Elmo put on a basketball show for number 3.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. The Harlem Globetrotters and Elmo put on a basketball show for number 3.

Muppets: Grover plays a game with his friends Sally, Phil and Bill. The monsters wear different colored hats, and Grover asks which monster is the tallest.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Grover plays a game with his friends Sally, Phil and Bill. The monsters wear different colored hats, and Grover asks which monster is the tallest.

Muppets: Elmo the Musical Airplane the Musical.

Sesame Street Episode 4516. Elmo the Musical Airplane the Musical.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 3 and the letter X. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4516 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 3 and the letter X. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4516 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

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