Sesame Street Episode 4517 - Elmo the Grouch

Sesame Street Episode 4517
Elmo the Grouch
Season 45

Sesame Street Episode 4517 appears as the 17th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Elmo the Grouch. The air date of the episode is January 15, 2015. The number of the Episode is 13 and the letter is E. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4517 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4517 appears as the 17th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Elmo the Grouch.

What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4517 we see the word Grouchy.

What's the Word on the Street. In Sesame Street Episode 4517 we see the word Grouchy.

In the street scene segments of Episode 4517, Chris welcomes the viewer as he carries a stack of boxes to Hooper's Store. He bumps into Elmo and invites him to the park after work, but Elmo grumpily declines. Elmo apologizes and claims he doesn't feel like himself today; he's feeling a bit cranky and grouchy. Oscar pops up from his trash can with a theory: Elmo's turning into a Grouch! Chris tells Elmo that's not possible and heads over to work.

Oscar proposes there's only one way to know for sure if Elmo's a Grouch: performing "The Grouch Test." The first part is a round of "Oscar Says," where Elmo must do the opposite of what Oscar tells him (since Grouches love doing the opposite of what they're told). Elmo succeeds at the game, so Oscar officially dubs him a Grouch. He teaches Elmo the Grouch Cheer - blowing a raspberry.

Elmo does the Grouch Cheer over and over, attracting Chris' attention. Chris reminds Elmo he's not a Grouch, but Elmo still feels a bit grumpy. Chris tells him to repeat a phrase - "I am not a Grouch" - before heading back to work.

Oscar appears again, telling Elmo the only way to know for sure if he's a Grouch is through part two of the Grouch Test. In the second part (titled "Grouch Eye View"), Elmo looks at parts of Grouchy animals close-up and correctly identifies which animals they are. Now that he's officially a Grouch, Elmo earns his very own trash can to live in! Oscar goes to make some anchovy sundaes, commenting, "It's great to have another Grouch in the neighborhood."

Chris is done with work and looks for Elmo, who pops up from his trash can. Chris takes him out of the can and tells him he's not a Grouch; people just have days where they don't feel happy. He explains, through song, that "Feelings Come and Feelings Go." Elmo feels less Grouchy now and wants to go to the park. Oscar is disappointed his trick didn't work and gets even angrier when Elmo gives him a goodbye kiss.

In "Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents Les Mousserables (Rated ME: For Mixed Emotions)," Cookie Monster appears as "Jean Bonbon," a French monster without cookies. He finds a jar nearby and begins munching them down. He runs into Flantine, who weeps over not being able to give her daughter a cookie. With some help from the narrator, Cookie is able to see she's sad by how she looks and acts; he doesn't, however, provide her with a cookie. He then runs into Epienine, who is jealous of Cookie's snacks. Cookie, too, blows her off. Soon, all his friends march in anger over his selfishness. Cookie soon realizes he needs to share his cookies, and they all, with some marshmallows, celebrate "One Day S'more."

Elmo and the gang introduce the letter of the day, "E," with a song and dance.

In "Abby's Flying Fairy School," Mrs. Sparklenose is teaching the students opposites today, though Blögg doesn't grasp the concept as easily. After Gonnigan and Abby demonstrate, he tries to use their opposite spell on Gonnigan but uses it on himself instead. Suddenly, Blögg becomes the opposite of himself, wearing posh clothing and being obsessed with cleanliness (constantly giving Niblet a bath). Gonnigan likes having a less-disgusting friend around now, but Opposite-Blögg ruins their playtime by putting away their blocks and refusing to wear the wrinkled costumes. Abby and Gonnigan learn that to change him back, Blögg has to do the spell on himself. Abby tempts him with his favorite stinky cheese, but he instead is frightened by it. Everyone muses about the old Blögg, making him realize the right thing to do is to change himself back.

In "Elmo the Musical: Karate Master the Musical," Elmo imagines himself as a karate master in an animal-populated village, where he can karate chop things into different shapes with a "Hop Hop, Chop Chop Chop." He lets a "young grasshopper" become his student. Soon, some villagers complain their various shapes have been ruined. The culprit is a being known as the Ooze, who destroys any shape he sees. Elmo and the Ooze meet at the octagon arena, where the Ooze wrecks all of Karate Master Elmo's shapes and even the arena. The Ooze tearfully sings that he hates shapes because he doesn't have one himself. Elmo chops up some shapes for the Ooze to go in, allowing him to be any shape he wants.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. 1

Sesame Street Episode 4517. 2

Sesame Street Episode 4517. 3

Sesame Street Episode 4517. 4

Celebrity: Elmo, Murray and Bill Hader introduce the word of the day, Grouchy.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Elmo, Murray and Bill Hader introduce the word of the day, Grouchy.

Muppets: Murray and Ovejita play Name That Emotion.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Murray and Ovejita play Name That Emotion.

Muppets: Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents Les Mousserables.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents Les Mousserables.

Muppets: Elmo and his friends introduce the letter of the day E by dancing.

Cartoon: The song about the Elephant and the letter E is sung by animated Cookie Monster.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. The song about the Elephant and the letter E is sung by animated Cookie Monster.

Animation: Abby's Flying Fairy School Opposite Day.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Abby's Flying Fairy School Opposite Day.

Muppets: The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day: 13.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day 13.

Celebrity: Belly Breathe is performed by Common, Colbie Caillat and Elmo.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Belly Breathe is performed by Common, Colbie Caillat and Elmo.

Muppets: Elmo the Musical Karate Master the Musical.

Sesame Street Episode 4517. Elmo the Musical Karate Master the Musical.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 13 and the letter E. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4517 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 13 and the letter E. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4517 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

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