Sesame Street Episode 4097 - Zoe tries to find a rock sitter for Rocco

Sesame Street Episode 4097
Zoe tries to find a rock sitter for Rocco
Season 36

Sesame Street Episode 4097

Sesame Street Episode 4097

Sesame Street Episode 4097

Sesame Street Episode 4097 appears in the 36th season. The name of the Episode is Zoe tries to find a rock sitter for Rocco. The air date of the episode is September 9, 2005. The number of the Episode is 18 and the letter is H. The celebrity guest of Episode 4097 is Gloria Estefan.

In another Sesame Street story, Zoe and her pet rock, Rocco, greet the viewers. Zoe is faced with a dilemma – she needs someone to take care of Rocco while she attends her swimming class. Elmo passes by, but tries to make a quick exit when he spots Rocco. Zoe tells Elmo about her predicament, explaining that she needs a rock sitter for her beloved pet. Elmo suggests that Zoe should leave Rocco at home, but she insists that her pet rock needs company and care.

At that moment, Gina is busy taking care of a sneezing duck with allergic sinusitis. Zoe asks Gina if she could look after Rocco, and Gina agrees, thinking it shouldn't be too difficult. However, when a hiccupping chicken arrives at Gina's clinic, Zoe reconsiders, worrying that Gina might not have enough time to give Rocco the attention he needs. As she continues her search for a suitable rock sitter, Telly happens to walk by, and Zoe asks if he would be willing to take care of Rocco. Telly agrees, but admits he isn't sure how to properly care for a rock. Zoe suggests singing rock music and telling rock stories to keep Rocco entertained. With that, Zoe heads off to her swim class, leaving Rocco in Telly's care.

Elmo comes by and notices that Telly has taken on the role of Rocco's sitter. Telly confesses that he is struggling to come up with a rock story for Rocco, and Elmo kindly offers his help. As they brainstorm ideas, Baby Bear passes by, and they ask him for assistance. Unfortunately, Baby Bear is too preoccupied with his upcoming lunch with Goldilocks and the potential threat to his porridge to be of any help.

As Baby Bear hurries off, Telly is suddenly struck with inspiration for a story: "Goldirock and Baby Bear." Intrigued, Elmo asks Telly to read the story to him and Rocco. The tale begins with Goldirock entering Baby Bear's house, intending to eat his porridge. Baby Bear returns home just in time to catch Goldirock in the act. Instead of getting angry, Baby Bear suggests that they share the porridge together. The story ends with Baby Bear and Goldirock enjoying the meal in harmony.

After Elmo leaves, Telly faces another challenge – coming up with a rock song for Rocco. Hearing Telly's cries of frustration, Alan and Bob approach and offer their help. They create a catchy rock song called "Around the Rock," featuring Hoots the Owl on the saxophone. Both Telly and Rocco seem to enjoy the tune.

When Zoe returns from her swim class, she is delighted to hear about the fun activities Telly and Rocco shared. Telly volunteers to help care for Rocco anytime, and Zoe eagerly takes him up on the offer, asking if he can watch Rocco on Wednesdays and Fridays during her swim lessons. Telly happily agrees, and the episode concludes with Telly retelling the "Goldirock and Baby Bear" story to Rocco and Zoe, who listen with rapt attention.

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