Sesame Street Episode 4143 - Sleeping Grouchy

Sesame Street Episode 4143
Sleeping Grouchy
Season 38

Sesame Street Episode 4143

Sesame Street Episode 4143

Sesame Street Episode 4143

Sesame Street Episode 4143 appears in the 38th season. The name of the Episode is Sleeping Grouchy. The air date of the episode is August 29, 2007. The number of the Episode is 20 and the letter is U. The celebrity guests of Episode 4143 are Howie Mandel and Harvey Fierstein.

Scenes: Gordon and Maria laugh at a joke and welcome the viewer. Oscar and Grundgetta ask for quiet as they read Grundgetta's favorite Grouch fairy tale, "The Tale of Sleeping Grouchy." Slimey, Telly, and Elmo join in to listen. In the story, grouchy Princess Grundgetta's happy parents, played by Maria and Gordon, sing a song about their love for her. One day, the grouchy princess's constant complaining disturbs a nearby wizard who casts a sleeping spell on her. Her parents, desperate to break the spell, offer a reward for anyone who can help. Prince Elmo of Ticklania tries to wake her with a giant chicken feather, but she only sneezes. Prince Telly of the Tuba and his band attempt to wake her with loud music, but it doesn't work. Finally, Prince Slimey breaks the spell by giving her a sweet, lovable kiss. They play in the royal mud puddle and live grouchily ever after. Oscar and Grundgetta argue about whether the ending was happy or not.

Celebrity: Howie Mandel showcases the word "ticklish."

Song: Zoe, Telly, and Prairie Dawn perform "That's the Way I Read."

Rosita teaches Marco Spanish and sings "I Love Every Part of You" with Gina.

The Letter of the Day: U - Cookie Monster sends the letter U on a rocket, but it returns.

Muppets: Oscar presents the grouchy theater hit "Scramalot." The Knights of Scramalot sing and struggle to rhyme, eventually arguing instead of continuing the play.

The Number of the Day: 20 - A giant monolith of the number 20 appears to celebrate the Number of the Day.

Celebrity: Harvey Fierstein sings "Everything's Coming Up Noses!" as he places noses on Anything Muppets, praising the body part.

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