Sesame Street Episode 4189
Baby Bear is Afraid of Bees
Season 40
Sesame Street Episode 4189 appears in the 40th season. The name of the Episode is Baby Bear is Afraid of Bees. The air date of the episode is November 12, 2009. The number of the Episode is 6 and the letter is F. The celebrity guest of Episode 4189 is Nancy O'Dell.
Abby watches Baby Bear drawing a picture of flowers when he sees a bee nearby. He freezes in fear, worrying about getting stung. After the bee leaves, Abby and Chris try to reassure Baby Bear that he shouldn't be afraid of bees. Baby Bear wishes he wasn't scared, so Abby attempts a spell to help him. Instead, her spell turns them into bees! Unable to reverse the spell, Abby tries calling her mom on her magical wand but struggles to find good reception.
A worker bee mistakes them for real bees and takes them to pollinate flowers. While pollinating, the bee explains the process to the "new-bees." Pollen triggers Chris' allergies, causing him to sneeze and fly off. Baby Bear discovers that pollination helps plants grow. They join Abby, who still hasn't reached her mom. The worker bee returns and brings them to a new location. Baby Bear and Chris find themselves surrounded by hexagons and realize they're in a beehive. The bee becomes frustrated with their lack of bee knowledge and teaches them about making wax and honey. Baby Bear is amazed by how much bees contribute to his life and develops a newfound respect for them.
Upon leaving the hive, Abby finally has the spell to change them back. Once they return to normal, Baby Bear happily watches a bee in the garden. Chris points out that Abby's spell indirectly helped Baby Bear overcome his fear. Baby Bear completes his flower drawing by adding a bee to it.
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