Sesame Street Episode 4504 - Numeric Con

Numeric Con
Sesame Street Episode 4504
Season 45

Sesame Street Episode 4504 appears as the 4th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Numeric Con. The air date of the episode is September 18, 2014. The number of the Episode is 0 and the letter is A. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4504 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Numeric Con.

What's the Word on the Street?: In Sesame Street Episode 4504 we see the word flexible, it means that capable of bending easily without breaking.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. What's the Word on the Street.

In this episode, Elmo and Leela are excited to attend Numeric Con, the biggest number convention on Sesame Street, where everyone celebrates their favorite number characters. Elmo dresses up as The Dark Nine, while Leela becomes Princess Three-ah, complete with three hair buns. They have a list of activities they want to do at the convention and head off to their first event.

At the convention, Mando introduces the new Doctor Two, who arrives in his TWODIS with aliens, including the Martians and beings resembling Daleks and Cybermen. However, there are so many aliens that Doctor Two can't keep track of them all and doesn't have time to count them. One attendee declares this the worst convention ever. The Dark Nine, aka Elmo, saves the day by counting the alien pairs by twos. Doctor Two is grateful, and Elmo and Leela proceed to the next item on their list.

Leela and Elmo take a photo with the Fantabulous Four, featuring Alan as a substitute for Disappearing Girl, and move on to the next item on Elmo's list – getting an autograph. They find themselves in line for Fiverine, who is Chris' favorite hero. The critical attendee shows off his copy, which is made up of five lines from Fiverine's five-crayon glove, allowing him to sign with super speed. Chris gets so excited to shake Fiverine's hand that he breaks all the crayons, preventing Fiverine from signing any more. The Dark Nine comes up with a solution – with one crayon, he can make a number 5 instead. His idea works, and Chris receives the first version.

Elmo's last Numeric Con goal, and his most important, is to count to 10 with his favorite hero – the Green Lan-ten. Instead, they find the Green Four-net, who claims the two get confused all the time. He tells them the Green Lan-ten was just seen hitching a cab home. Elmo gets upset, and Leela convinces him to change his plan and "Be Flexible." Elmo heeds her advice and alters his plan.

Elmo's new plan is to count with an equally-great number character – Cap-ten Kirk. The two count to 10 in typical Shatner fashion. Elmo and Leela sign off, having had a great day at Numeric Con!

Sesame Street Episode 4504. 1

Sesame Street Episode 4504. 2

Sesame Street Episode 4504. 3

Sesame Street Episode 4504. 4

Muppets - Celebrity: We see Zachary Quinto and Grover. They show the word flexible.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. We see Zachary Quinto and Grover. They show the word flexible.

Murray Has a Little Lamb: Murray wants to write his own comic book, but he does not decided what to write about. Ovejita wants to help him and leads him Comic and Cartooning School.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Murray Has a Little Lamb. Murray wants to write his own comic book

Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents Star S'mores: We see Cookie Monster as Flan Solo. He will rescue the Princess Parfaita. She is in the hands of the evil galactic empire.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents Star S'mores

Muppets: The letter of the day is A in the Sesame Street Episode 4504.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. The letter of the day is A

Film: The film part is about the letter of the day. A for Astronaut.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. A for Astronaut.

Abby's Flying Fairy School: It is Choice Time at School. While Gonnigan and Blogg go to the block corner in order to make the largest block tower,at the same time we see Abby while watching a new online adventure of Super Fairy.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Abby's Flying Fairy School

Muppets: The number of the day is 0. Count von Count and his friends sing a song about it.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. The number of the day is 0. Count von Count and his friends sing a song about it.

Cartoon: In the cartoon part we see Super Hero Zero.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. In the cartoon part we see Super Hero Zero.

Muppets: Count von Count and Oscar talk about the number of the day, it is zero.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Count von Count and Oscar talk about the number of the day, it is zero.

Cartoon : ABC Space Song is sung in the cartoon part.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. ABC Space Song is sung in the cartoon part.

Elmo the Musical Pizza the Musical: Today, Elmo dreams himself as a Space Pizza Delivery Monster,he  delivers the number 10 special to Mars. He loses each slice when meet different situations, and finally arrives Mars, there is no pizza, he has only empty pizza box, and apologizes to Martians for this. They do not mind.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Elmo the Musical Pizza the Musical

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 0 and the letter A. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4504 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

Sesame Street Episode 4504. Sesame Street sponsors are the number 0 and the letter A.

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