Sesame Street Episode 4520 - Bert’s Sign Painting Challenge

Sesame Street Episode 4520
Bert’s Sign Painting Challenge
Season 45

Sesame Street Episode 4520 appears as the 20th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Bert’s Sign Painting Challenge. The air date of the episode is February 19, 2015. The number of the Episode is 6 and the letter is R. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4520 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4520 appears as the 20th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Bert’s Sign Painting Challenge.

What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4520 we see the word Artist.

What's the Word on the Street. In Sesame Street Episode 4520 we see the word Artist.

Chris prepares oatmeal for Bert when a famous painter, Vincent van Stop (Josh Gad), appears. Bert, a huge fan, explains that Vincent is known for creating the most famous signs in history. Vincent is looking for an assistant, and Bert eagerly accepts the challenge, wearing an official Vincent van Stop smock and hat.

Vincent tells Bert he must first pass a sign painting challenge and sings about his painting techniques with the Vincent van Stop Singers. Bert becomes nervous, as he struggles with the pressure of tests. For the challenge, Bert must paint a "ROAD" sign within 30 seconds. Bert fumbles and accidentally paints "POAD" instead. Vincent initially fails Bert, but Chris points out the similarity between the letters P and R, convincing Vincent to give Bert another chance.

The next test is a "RESTROOM" sign, but Bert makes the same mistake again. Chris persuades Vincent to give Bert one last try and offers Bert a pep talk to help him stay calm. Unfortunately, Bert's final sign, "RANDY'S RUSSIAN RESTAURANT," also contains errors.

Since Chris isn't allowed to speak during the test, he paints messages to help Bert fix his mistakes. Vincent is impressed with both of them and makes them his assistants, inviting them to his studio. Chris tries to explain that he already has a job, but they go along with Vincent anyway.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. 1

Sesame Street Episode 4520. 2

Sesame Street Episode 4520. 3

Sesame Street Episode 4520. 4

Celebrity: Terry Crews, Abby Cadabby and The Count introduce the word of the day, Artist.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Terry Crews, Abby Cadabby and The Count introduce the word of the day, Artist.

Muppets: Murray and Ovejita interview Joe Mangrum on the People in Your Neighborhood series.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Murray and Ovejita interview Joe Mangrum on the People in Your Neighborhood series.

Muppets: Super Grover 2.0 Fruit. Super Grover, this time helps a Parisian pineapple. 

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Super Grover 2.0 Fruit. Super Grover, this time helps a Parisian pineapple.

Muppets: Elmo and his friends introduce the letter of the day R by dancing.

Animation: Abby's Flying Fairy School Niblet's Wand.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Abby's Flying Fairy School Niblet's Wand.

Muppets: The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day: 6.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day 6.

Celebrity: Janelle Monáe and some Sesame Street Characters performed The Power of Yet.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Janelle Monáe and some Sesame Street Characters performed The Power of Yet.

Muppets: Elmo the Musical Detective the Musical.

Sesame Street Episode 4520. Elmo the Musical Detective the Musical.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 6 and the letter R. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4520 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 6 and the letter R. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4520 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

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