Sesame Street Episode 4521 - Papa Bear Goes to Preschool

Sesame Street Episode 4521
Papa Bear Goes to Preschool
Season 45

Sesame Street Episode 4521 appears as the 21th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Papa Bear Goes to Preschool. The air date of the episode is March 30, 2015. The number of the Episode is 17 and the letter is V. The content of Sesame Street Episode 4521 includes the following:

Sesame Street Episode 4521 appears as the 21th episode of the 45th season. The name of the Episode is Papa Bear Goes to Preschool.

What's the Word on the Street? : In Sesame Street Episode 4521 we see the word Greeting.

What's the Word on the Street. In Sesame Street Episode 4521 we see the word Greeting.

Papa Bear accompanies Baby Bear to the Storybook Community Pre-School, where he will be a parent volunteer for the day. They meet Baby Bear's teacher, Ms. Goodwitch (Jane Krakowski), who Papa Bear nicknames "Ms. G-Dubs" and greets with a big bear hug. Baby Bear reminds him that this is not how they greet people at school.

As class begins, Ms. Goodwitch and the students welcome Papa Bear with a song. When discussing the weather, Papa Bear encourages the class to shout out their answers instead of raising their hands, and Baby Bear tries to get him to be quieter. Ms. Goodwitch explains the importance of raising hands, and Baby Bear gets his turn to speak.

The children move to the art tables to draw clouds, and Papa Bear gives Ms. Goodwitch another bear hug. As Baby Bear draws, Goldilocks takes his silver crayon and refuses to return it. Papa Bear intervenes by growling at her, causing her to run off crying. Ms. Goodwitch explains to Papa Bear what he did wrong and helps Baby Bear and Goldilocks understand the importance of taking turns.

Papa Bear is asked to help with snacks but starts eating them instead. Baby Bear learns that Papa Bear doesn't know school rules because he never went to school as a young bear; he learned everything from the woods. Ms. Goodwitch and the students sing a song to explain the differences between the woods and school.

Papa Bear considers leaving but is convinced to stay and learn the rules. They also ask him to read their favorite story, "The Three Bears."

Sesame Street Episode 4521. 1

Sesame Street Episode 4521. 2

Sesame Street Episode 4521. 3

Sesame Street Episode 4521. 4

Celebrity: Two Different Worlds performed by Ed Sheeran and Sesame Street Characters.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Two Different Worlds performed by Ed Sheeran and Sesame Street Characters.

Celebrity: Seth Meyers and The Count introduce the word of the day, Greeting.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Seth Meyers and The Count introduce the word of the day, Greeting.

Muppets: Murray interviews a boy about school rules. Ovejita explains the Spanish equivalent of the word school: escuela.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Murray interviews a boy about school rules. Ovejita explains the Spanish equivalent of the word school, escuela.

Muppets: Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents The Biscotti Kid.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Cookie's Crumby Pictures presents The Biscotti Kid.

Muppets: Elmo and his friends introduce the letter of the day V by dancing.

Film: Alphabet Pictures introduces the letter of the day, the V.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Alphabet Pictures introduces the letter of the day, the V.

Muppets: Mr. Johnson and Grover appear in a skit. Grover wants to sell Mr. Johnson some items that start with the letter V.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Mr. Johnson and Grover appear in a skit. Grover wants to sell Mr. Johnson some items that start with the letter V.

Animation: Abby's Flying Fairy School Sleeping Blöggy.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Abby's Flying Fairy School Sleeping Blöggy.

Muppets: The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day: 17.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. The Count and his friends introduce the number of the day 17.

Celebrity: Michelle Obama is having breakfast. Grover feels tired and Michelle Obama explains that he needs breakfast.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Michelle Obama is having breakfast. Grover feels tired and Michelle Obama explains that he needs breakfast.

Muppets: Elmo the Musical Karate Master the Musical.

Sesame Street Episode 4521. Elmo the Musical Karate Master the Musical.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 17 and the letter V. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4521 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

Sesame Street sponsors are the number 17 and the letter V. At the end of the Sesame Street Episode 4521 Murray announces the sponsors and the episode ends.

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